Carney’s Background, Maturity May Trump Poilievre’s Slogans, Rhetoric

Former Bank of Canada governor and current candidate for the Liberal leadership, Mark Carney, is not a man of many public words … or, until recently, TV appearances.

Then suddenly, there he was: live on the Daily show in the US, being interviewed at length by late-night TV host Jon Stewart.

“I think in a situation like this you need change. You need to address the economy. We’ve got an economic crisis because of what Mr. Trump is about to do, or saying he is about to do. We also have challenges in housing, cost of living,” he said. “We need to get the economy moving.

“And truth be told, the government has been, not as focused on those issues as it could be,” he said. “We need to focus on them immediately; that can happen now, and that’s what this election is gonna be about,” Carney told Stewart.

Reactions from viewers were largely positive … very positive:

“How incredibly refreshing to hear an interview with a near-politician (of sorts) who can actually field a question without resorting to scripted attacks on some other political party / personality.”

“Man it’s been a while hearing intelligent and funny conversation instead of people just attacking each other!”

“As a Canadian it makes me proud to watch Mark Carney eloquently fence (explain points of interest), with one of the best rapier like minded interviewers in the Biz.”

Meanwhile, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was speaking out as well … at appearances/press conferences in Canada … coining a new slogan: “Canada First”.

There it was, on the front of Poilievre’s podium, replacing the previously highlighted “Axe the Tax” , “Bring it Home” , “Build the Homes,” ,”Fix the Budget,” and “Stop the Crime”.

All of them clear, concise and compelling … but, just slogans … accompanied by lots of rhetoric:

“These tariffs are a wakeup call that it is time for us to meet our potential,” CTV News reported Poilievre as saying, after US President Donald Trump announced plans to impose 25% tariffs on Canadian goods.

“It is time for us to be a country that can trade for itself, that builds homes quickly for its youth, that allows entrepreneurs to succeed quickly and profitably so that success is once again rewarded.”

Contrast that with this from another statement by Carney, speaking to the BBC’s Newsnight program:

““President Trump probably thinks Canada will cave in,” he said. “But we are going to stand up to a bully, we’re not going to back down. We’re united and we will retaliate.”

The Liberal leadership candidate was also quoted in Canada as saying:

“I support dollar-for-dollar retaliatory tariffs aimed where they will be felt the hardest in the United States but will have the least impact in Canada. At the same time, we need a coordinated strategy to boost investment and to support our Canadian workers through what will be a difficult moment.”

Canadians are starting to pay attention … and see a difference.

For months now, polls have predicted the Liberals will be almost wiped out in the next federal election … finishing not only behind the Conservatives, but also the NDP, and, in some cases, even the Bloc Quebecois.

But that may be changing.

A Nanos Research poll last week found “39.6 per cent of Canadians surveyed consider Mr. Carney, the front-runner for the Liberal leadership, as the most qualified leader to negotiate with Mr. Trump and his administration. Twenty-six per cent of Canadians consider Mr. Poilievre as best qualified,” the Globe and Mail reported.

Nanos still found more Canadians, 42% would prefer a Conservative government, but the Liberals were on the move Up, scoring 26% approval, passing the NDP at 17%.

That is not good news for Poilievre/Conservatives.

Carney is personally coming across as more experienced, more articulate, more able to defend Canada and deal with Trump.

He is still is bogged down by Canadians’ anger, hurt and desire for vengeance against the pains they feel they have suffered at the hands of Justin Trudeau and the current Liberal government’s actions and policies.

But it’s clear Poilievre is going to have to come up with more than slogans and rhetoric to convince Canadians he can take on Trump … and win!

Harv Oberfeld

(Follow @harveyoberfeld on “X” for FREE First Alerts to new postings on this Blog.)

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Trump’s HUGE Miscalculation …

Donald Trump is a bully … we all know that, based on his own well-publicised actions/statements over more than a decade; Donald Trump has autocratic leanings … his moves/appointments/decrees since taking office prove that; and, Donald Trump is dishonest … as evidenced by a jury of his own American fellow citizens finding him guilty of 34 criminal counts.

Yet, even his critics would have to concede Donald Trump was also a brilliant political strategist … a la P.T. Barnum … when he convinced 77 million Americans to buy his “shtick” and return him, despite all his faults and failings, to a second term in the White House as their President.

And let’s keep it real: many Americans support the new Trump regime’s crackdown on illegals in their country (especially those with criminal records), the end of DEI initiatives, and plans to curb restrictions and encourage resource developments.

But, when the Mad Hatter signed the Presidential Order levying a 25% tariff on almost all goods imported into the United States from Canada and, worse, 10% on fuel, that the entire world saw how DUMB Trump actually is …. on matters of trade, domestic and international markets and economic negotiations.

Even the conservative Wal Street Journal called this “the dumbest Trade War in history”.

Any leader … elected or despot … can impose tariffs.

But only a fool would impose them on a neighbouring country whose leader apparently despises him personally, is about to leave office … and, thus, needn’t really care too much about how he might react … or even how Canadian voters might feel about strong retaliatory measures.

In politics … as in comedy … timing can be critical!

Trump would have been a lot smarter and more in control had he waited only a few months … until after Canada’s next election, when all the polls predict Canada will have a new, inexperienced Prime Minister, a new inexperienced government, a new, inexperienced International Trade Minister, and a largely new, inexperienced team of bureaucrats and officials.

Poilievre would likely have been more uncertain, easier to squeeze for concessions and likely, as a novice, less trusted by Canadians to be able to stand up to Trump/American aggression ,

Instead, Canadians glued to their televisions and radios Saturday saw and heard an experienced Trudeau NOT back off one inch; instead castigating Trump and the US for their betrayal of more than a hundred years of friendship, camaraderie in war, celebrated partnerships in trade … and then vowing to make Americans pay a heavy price for their war on our workers, our industries and our economy.


And how brilliant: knowing the Mad Hatter had already threatened “retaliation” if Canada dared to fight back … Trudeau announced Canada’s initial $30 Billion tariff moves would also contain a HUGE $125 Billion escalation clause, if needed.

And Trudeau had immediate support from provincial Premiers.

Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston announced tolls at the Cobequid Pass will double for US commercial vehicles; and, the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation will remove all 400 U.S. alcohol products from store shelves effective Tuesday.

And now, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland will also stop selling US booze … a move that will cost American producers millions of dollars each week.

In BC, Premier David Eby signalled the federal government has the province’s full support, vowing to ban the import of all wine, spirits, beer from “red” states .. ie. hitting Trump supporters where it hurts, but not punishing producers in states that did not vote for the Mad Hatter.

I liked that! 🙂

Eby also announced the government would fast-track permits for local projects to develop jobs, work to expand BC trade beyond the U.S., and directed the B.C. government and Crown corporations to buy Canadian goods and services, not from American sources.

The way Canadians are reacting … with national pride, emotion and even anger rarely seen from Canadians, Trump may have even done what most Canadians probably thought impossible: resurrected Trudeau’s own approval ratings!!!

The Mad Hatter no doubt has his fans and supporters north of the border, but clearly miscalculated how the vast majority of Canadians find him personally disgusting, offensive and such a demagogue, almost no one is backing away from this fight, even if they must pay a cost!

Canadians WILL stand up for our workers, our industries, even our own US customers, partners and friends who will also be hurt by these tariffs.

In fact, I’d like to see Trudeau go even further than he has already announced to speed up the impact on the US … and hopefully expedite a resolution of the dispute.

The federal government should immediately STOP Canadians from making “day” trips to the US to buy groceries, clothes, toys, electronics etc. … if absent from Canada for less than 24 hours.

Officially, only AFTER an absence of 48 hours can Canadians bring back up to $200 (Cad.) each in US goods; and AFTER seven days that the allowance rises to $800 (Cad).

The government should make those still shopping in the US on “day’ trips stop at the border on their return, do the paperwork … and pay duties. (And if they have to wait an hour to be processed, even better.)

It IS the law … time to enforce it.

When shopping malls in Bellingham, Wash.; Plattsburg, NY.; Detroit, Mich.; Buffalo, NY and lots of other US border towns/cities sit almost empty, Americans will understand the real price of Trump’s foolery.

And, as the Prime Minister said, this is very good time for Canadians (especially given the Cad $ value) to plan vacations in and across our own great land! Not only will your country’s economy thank you … so will your wallet!

(I personally will be canceling an already-booked 16-day cruise from Vancouver to/around the islands/ports of Hawaii. Not this year!)

Canada did not start this war: Canada does not want this war; and Canada must NOT lose this war.

Trump is trying to force subservience on Canada and puffing up his own bloated ego with his MAGA base; for Canadians, it’s about MUCH more: our independence, our freedom and, protecting our more civil and, frankly, BETTER society!

We must stand firm against the Mad Hatter’s aggression.

Harv Oberfeld

(Pass it on! Every Canadian should read this blog post. And follow @harveyoberfeld on “X” for FREE First Alerts of new postings on this Blog.)

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