BC Voters Give David Eby a POOR Job Performance Review

Politicians often forget they work FOR the people: they are hired BY the people; they are paid BY the people; they are supposed to deliver services FOR the people; and, they can be fired by the people!

Once elected too many instead lord OVER us; push their own publicly-unendorsed agendas, ideologically-driven policies and programs; pander to their narrow partisan base; cater to their major financial backers; and, then squeeze taxpayers for every dollar they can wring out of us to pay for it all … while ignoring the majority’s complaints, protests and growing daily struggles to make ends meet.

However, every few years, thanks to our democratic system, our politicians must submit to what really amounts to a job performance review by the people.

David Eby and his NDP government have now had their review … and let’s face it, received a bad score. In fact, they may still even be fired from their current positions when the review process is complete.

Tentative results (pending recounts) give the NDP 46 seats, the BC Conservatives 45 and the Greens 2. That’s a loss of 9 seats for the government, despite the addition of 6 more seats in the Legislative Assembly.

That is certainly NOT a great vote of confidence for a leader two years on the job and a party seven years in power!

Especially when you break down the vote count.

The preliminary popular vote figures show a turnout of 2,038,000 or 57.39% of eligible voters (compared to 53.86 in 2020 and 61.18% in 2017).

The NDP picked up 908,871 votes (44.6%); while those opposing them, the BC Conservatives garnered 887,828 votes (43.6%), the Greens captured 166,850 (8.2%) and Independents drew upwards of 61.000 votes (3.6%).

In other words, well over half of those who voted actually wanted to fire Eby and his government … and give others a chance to tackle BC’s problems.

That, in itself, is not unusual in a multi-party system: pretty hard to get more than 50% support among the total vote.

However, don’t forget that, just a year and a half ago, Eby and the NDP were repeatedly leading the polls by as much as whopping 20% spread!

Eby should now be embarrassed.

Where did it all go wrong … very wrong?

I attribute a lot of the blame to what I perceived as Eby’s own arrogance: a sort of “I don’t need no stinking election” attitude that went on too long after the NDP internally placed him in the Premier’s post when John Horgan resigned.

He waited almost two years to seek a mandate … until he could not legally delay an election any more. If he could, maybe he would have stalled even longer.

Readers of this blog may remember how, after Eby was six months in the Premiers job, I gently prodded him … when most of the mainstream media failed to do so … that he personally had no public mandate for any of the announcements/programs/changes or massive spending he was announcing/implementing.

But the Premier pressed on.

After a year in the post, I stepped up my criticism and my condemnations of Eby for not calling an election and seeking public approval for his agenda … as so many problems actually started getting worse … much worse.

Eby likely would still have won an election back then … but kept rejecting the idea: apparently preferring to listen to sycophantic media and pundits, who repeatedly defended his un-elected, unmandated reign and instead kept reminding the public Eby need not legally call an election before the legislated scheduled date, in October 2024.

Not legally, but ethically and strategically?

Eby waited … but clearly too long!

As the carbon tax kept increasing, housing costs went through the roof, hospital emergency room closures multiplied, druggies and mentally ill were increasingly and violently running amok in many communities, and BC’s Crown Counsel and provincial Court processes became a joke … but no one was laughing.

The bubble around the un-elected NDP Premier finally burst.

More and more people had grown dissatisfied, frustrated and even angry at the BC they now saw and experienced. They began looking for an alternative … and the BC Conservatives, who had not formed government since 1928 and last elected an MLA in 1978, suddenly came back to life … so much so, the party supplanted BC United in the polls … and ultimately, on the ballot!

Saturday was the day of voters’ revenge!

The ultimate result, even if Eby and the NDP do hold on to power, is they won’t have much of it!

With 46 seats, they would have to surrender one NDP MLA to become Speaker, losing a vote in the House, and also another NDP MLA to become Chair of the Committee of the Whole, who also apparently does not normally vote on issues.

Basically, the government will be crippled … forced to substantially moderate its legislative plans and objectives to gain necessary support from either the Conservatives and/or the Greens to get anything passed.

The Greens, by the way, would be smart NOT to enter into a formal support agreement with the NDP, but instead do a “Bloc Quebecois” move … only agree to prop up the government on specific Legislative votes, IF Eby/NDP give them some concession, or maybe even two or three.

And those concessions would cost the taxpayers a LOT! The Greens support more public drug consumption sites, free public transit for all, increased welfare and disability rates to above the poverty line, higher carbon taxes and prohibition of any new LNG projects. etc. etc.

Think of the impact of any of those ideas/plans on BC’s deficit, economy, debt … and your taxes … just to keep Eby and the NDP hanging on to power !

It won’t work.

Something tells me regardless of the final outcome of this year’s voting results, and the wheeling and dealing the politicians will do, we won’t wait four years this time for the next election!

Harv Oberfeld

(Follow @harveyoberfeld.ca on “X” for FREE First Alerts to new postings on this BC-based Blog.)

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19 Responses to BC Voters Give David Eby a POOR Job Performance Review

  1. Mayven says:

    When one votes with their feet you end up with the ndp.
    Wasn’t it Carol James who voted against building the new Port Mann bridge… and al road arteries leading to the Bridge.
    Eby cowered to pressure…clumsily in his handling the Selina Robinson matter. Typical failed NDP leadership ad nauseum.
    BC is not a winner with Eby/ ndp

    (Response: No matter the final outcome, Eby/NDP have definitely suffered a pounding at the hands of the electorate. The party, in my view …and apparently thousands of other voters … has abandoned the working middle class in favour of pandering to those on the fringes. Clearly it did not work! ho)

  2. Gilbert says:

    I wish we had someone in the media like Harvey Oberfeld to ask the government really good questions and make it accountable to the people. The government is supposed to serve the people of the province and not just the donors and a few special groups in society. In my opinion, a more objective media with really good journalists would really serve the province well, and perhaps wake up a few more voters. Well, at least it appears that Premier Eby’s days in office may not last too much longer.

    (Response: Thanks. I keep muttering at the TV when I see politicians saying stupid things and no one challenging them on it. Like tonight, Eby addressed growing business concerns “When they run a business downtown, they don’t want to be dealing with somebody struggling with a brain injury, mental health issue and addiction.” Well, duh!!! SEVERAL questions immediately came to my mind: I would have asked the Premier … why then did the government buy up so many tourist-level hotels in the Granville area to house these people and also establish a needle exchange, treatment and mental health facilities right there in Vancouver’s prime shopping and entertainment area???? What did you think would happen??? And, shouldn’t a Premier have realized and had his Ministers deal with that growing problem before the issue escalated into a crisis??? ETC. But there was nothing! So I muttered at the TV… and realized once more why so many no longer watch. But I am getting better: I used to shout at the TV! 🙂 h.o.)

  3. Ijustdontknowanymore says:

    In this election its obvious Ebys crazy kind of progressivism wasn’t what much of the voters wanted. It never takes long before NDP ideology catches up to them and they shoot themselves in both feet. Their so darn predictable. They just can’t help themselves, and Eby seems to be the worst one so far. People want to be a part of the processes of big decisions with government and its their right, and not be left out to watch him serve various individual interests and groups and sell out our rightful democratic say to such. Eby absolutely didn’t get that. So here we are with the proof of that. So absolutely dum. Will they ever learn… Nope.

    (Response: The ‘old” NDP, that I frequently voted for in Saskatchewan and BC, used to really represent well the working and middle class: bringing in health and social programs, supporting civil rights and small business etc. etc. Seems to me something changed when the armchair university socialists and intellectual elitists took over: “progressive” agendas concentrated on pandering to those on the fringe, druggies, activists, militants, extremists, Indigenous and other “woke” exploiters of history, and lately anti-Americans, anti-Brits, anti-Europeans and anti-Semites as well …. while squeezing every dollar they can out of their original supporters to pay for their new base. Looks like many of those paying the piper have had enough …and if the NDP doesn’t “re-set”, it’s only a matter of time till they are tossed. h.o)

    • Ijustdontknowanymore says:

      I just wonder if that shelved BC Land Act proposal for legislation influenced many voters. I also wondered why it was shelved this year by them. What I see so far is many British Columbians did get really angered by what the NDP was trying to do by giving taking the general communities and stakeholders out of the decision process regarding Crown Land which we all own, and having that process decided upon behind closed doors between government and First Nations. I think most Land in BC is Crown Land. How is this all inclusive for all British Columbians. It seemed to me that proposal was meant to do that no matter how the NDP spun it. I’m for working together and certain reconciliation but this not right. I think Ebys little clique shelved it before the election because it was more than just flawed as they tried to spin it, but that it might be to controversial before the election, and might hurt them, so would wait until the election results. If they won a majority then they would ram it through in complete disregard for democratic processes under one government for all, as it should be, and not having another powerful governing body having sway over the majority and the ownership that’s is supposed to be under already written legislation ,law, and rights for all. I’m sure many are just livid with this, and backstabbing Eby jus waitng to ram it through, but thankfully and maybe because of the way things have gone this time at the voting booths. But of course with all the other crazy aforementioned EBY policies and programs you’ve mentioned along with us commentors and concerned hard working big tax paying contributing citizens the Land Act insanity wasn’t the only deal breaker, but I think it was a biggie.

      (Response: The election results show … even if the NDP hang on to power … that many British Columbians feel they’ve lost touch with ordinary working taxpayers. Eby says he has learned from the experience: that would be great and time will tell. However, if so much continues to slide in BC as they have in the time he has been Premier, the NDP will be in even greater trouble, as the fledgling Conservatives gain experience, weed out any kooks/extremists in their midst and Rustad becomes a better known alternative. h.o)

      • Ijustdontknowanymore says:

        Yes I agree Rustad does have to weed out the wackos from his party so they can shine better as a good alternative, but all in all despite the partys shortcomings, many people must have been ticked off enough at the NDP to see the Cons go to these heights at the polls.

        (Response: Eby and the NDP have had a wake-up call: if they ignore what so many voters have told them … and crime and crazies continue to run rampant, Rustad will likely win even more seats next time … and it won’t take four years for the Conservatives to get their chance. H.o)

  4. Edgar says:

    Heard this a couple of times in the last few days from NDP candidates and I think Eby in interviews – “the majority of people (when green votes and NDP votes) voted for progressive values. Can anyone tell what progressive values are and how are they different from conservative values.

    As a voter I was not voting for values but rather policies.

    Begining to resent how anyone who voted conservative is being portrayed as having no compassion and not caring for our fellow citizens and that you are somehow a lesser person.

    (Response: I too wondered about what Eby meant by “progressive values”. Was it: allowing druggies to shoot up in store doorways? Shoplift and outright steal if it’s to support a habit? Just say “Oops” when you get attacked, mugged or stabbed just walking down the street? Arrive from anywhere, demand and get FREE housing? Say nothing when you/your family are turned away from Emergency Rooms and told to drive 40 or 50 miles away? And just shup up and pay more and more for gas, even if it means struggling to buy groceries? And are the Conservatives “regressive” because they want to change any of these current realities? Too bad none of the “working” journalists are pressing Eby/NDP on their rhetoric! h.o)

    • D. M. Johnston says:

      Progressive values is an Americanism from their politcal debates, describing liberal values and Eby is just using the term as ‘word salad’ to sound more important and nothing more.

      In a BC context, ‘progressive values’ means NDP programs and nothing more.

      From my point of view, NDP ‘progressive values’ has taken on an Orwellian meaning of ‘regressive values’, as i see nothing much progressive from the NDP, except maybe hiring more bureaucrats to push paper and achieving nothing.

  5. Keith says:

    A couple of thoughts.

    Eby has not just squandered the goodwill, decent fiscal position, a couple of surprise surpluses and a 20 point lead that John Horgan left him but has done a reversal. As you have extensively noted he was unelected and all he had to do was change the name plate on the premiers office without any questions from the rest of the MLAs and party brass.

    They wanted him they got him and it has now cost the party big time and the question that would be on my mind if I were an NDP member would be; “do we want Eby leading the party and into the next election whenever that is”? if they could only manage a one point so far tally over a party with sketchy unknowns that didn’t exist 3 months ago, nor has a track record to dig into which should be part of the voters decision making.

    If the greens hold the balance they should also remember despite the buddy buddy relationship between J, Horgan and Andrew Weaver they had the rug pulled from under them by J. Horgan when the polls looked favourable and will happen again by whichever party needs them for now. Problem is by courting them for political survival who knows what the cost will be for the rest of us.?

    (Response: You are quite correct. Eby, who took over the NDP leadership in November 2022, inherited a fiscal surplus and a government that was riding very high in the polls and, in less than two years, without a mandate from the voters, he loaded a $9 Billion deficit onto the taxpayers and just take a look at the present state of BC’s economy, health system, hospital emergency closures, crime and public angst/fear! Now he has delivered a terrible election result … and I suspect Eby/NDP will now spare no cost … as long as it’s paid by the taxpayers … to stay in power, by giving into the Greens’ shakedown demands. But let’s keep it real: if the recounts put the Conservatives in the same situation, so will they! In politics, power often trumps principles. Eby/NDP have placed BC in a terrible mess … fiscally, socially, cost of living, crime and now politically. With a record like that, Eby/NDP are lucky the media today are giving them an easier ride than Christy Clark, Vender Zalm, Gordon Campbell, Glen Clark ever had! h.o)

    • nonconfidencevote says:

      The BC Govt is probably the media’s largest advertising account ie , BC Ferries, Tourism, Hydro, Teachers, Nurses, etc etc etc.
      “Never bite the hand that feeds them…” seems to be what rules the media roost these days.
      And they can’t comprehend why so many are turning their backs on the Legacy media to “surf the net” with its unsubstantiated conspiracy drivel.

      (Response: I don’t think most of the working media consider advertising when deciding how they cover stories … but I’m sure some management would be reluctant to investigate/expose how much the government/parties actually spend on their own operation! I think the bigger problem is some political reporters have been at it too long, are too friendly with those they cover and thus are too reluctant to actually go after them or have become part of the establishment themselves, reluctant to give new, fledgling opposition parties/politicians the same coverage/credibility they give old-time regulars. h.o)

  6. Gilbert says:

    It was very questionable the way Mr. Eby became leader of the NDP. Why was Anjali Appadurai disqualified? I don’t think voters were given a satisfactory explanation. Why were voters not given a choice?

    • nonconfidencevote says:

      The “leader” is picked by the party….not voters

      • D. M. Johnston says:

        From my understanding, the party (NDP) denied Anjali Appadurai from running against Eby. So afraid of real change for the NDP, the party gave Eby the Premiership to maintain the staus quo.

        I understand a great many NDP party members resigned their membership because of this. I know of at least 5.

  7. Not Sure says:

    You keep pounding Eby for not calling an early election. Strategically it may have been to his benefit as the NDP likely win a majority in the spring or fall of 2023, but people would have complained about an unnecessary early election and where would we be now. The same health, public safety, affordability issues AND three years away from the next election. We have fixed election dates for a reason and I am glad Eby didn’t veer off from that despite the less than satisfying outcome for NDP supporters.

    Except for the pandemic election, 44% might be the highest the NDP has ever received in an election. It is certainly higher than the 2017 election and the 1972, 1991 and 1996 elections that they won. I didn’t check losing years but 44% is a high bar for most parties in a three party race.

    Even when they were leading by 20% points, I don’t think they were much above 44%. They were leading by 20 points because the right wing vote was split.

    I don’t get the surprise that the Conservatives did well. WAC Bennett left the Conservative party to become leader of the Socreds and except for three years when Barrett was premier, the Conservative Socreds led BC from 1952 to 1991. When the Conservative Social Credit party fell apart, the legitimately named BC Liberals were taken over by the Campbell Conservatives and they ran BC for 16 years. Now, after 75 years, we actually have a competitive conservative party called the Conservative Party.

    The voter turnout sucked. Except for the pandemic year this could be the lowest turnout ever. (I haven’t bothered to check.) As bad a review as you claim the electorate has given the NDP, a lot of people decided to sit this one out thinking the alternative wasn’t any better.

    And as bad a review as you claim the electorate has given the NDP, they weren’t nearly as harsh as the people of New Brunswick were to their Conservative government.

    If the results stay the same after the final count this is as good a result as possible. The NDP will have the opportunity to do better, the Conservatives in opposition will be able to prove they are a worthy alternative and we likely get an election in a couple of years to figure it all out.

    (Response: My analysis of what went wrong for Eby/NDP was actually written in two parts: this one castigating him for not securing his political fortunes when he was riding high in the polls; and, the second part was what turned out to be that prescient blog I wrote and published BEFORE the vote, pointing out the litany of failures of Eby/NDP over the past two years in so many areas. When a fledgling party like the Conservatives, with so many unknown, inexperienced, even flawed candidates, goes from 2% of the popular vote last election to more than 43% this time, the incumbents clearly have done a TERRIBLE job!!! You can try to spin it by saying “people would have complained about an unnecessary early election”, but that’s a really red herring! In politics, when you have assumed office the way Eby did, you go for your mandate while you’re still riding high in the polls, on your honeymoon with the voters … unless, of course, over-confidence and arrogance gets in the way. Eby’s decision to wait those almost two years will go down as one of the worst strategic blunders in BC political history! I just wish I had the space on here to republish all the Comments of those NDP supporters who pooh-poohed my urgings, then my criticisms of Eby for failing to seek a public mandate … ruling instead like a dictator. Bet they wish now Eby had listened to me! 🙂 h.o)

  8. Bang on of course, Eby has been given a negative rating by the electorate.

    This is no surprise, of course, as Eby was given the NDP leadership in a very questionable way and since has turned the party to a Vision(less) Vancouver Provincial politcal party. The electoral maps certainly shows that the NDP represents nothing more than Southern Vancouver Island and the lower Fraser Valley.

    I soon found out about Eby’s arrogance when I inked a letter to Eby about a much needed judicial inquiry of TransLink, where I predicted (or should I say the professionals who advise me on transit matters) that the cost SkyTrain expansion projects were escalating wildly. His response was ; “All further correspondence must be through a provincial barrister”.

    The Greens, especially Fursteneau, have proven politically naive and instead of working to gain 4 or 5 seats, went full blown daft with the “Free Transit” promise which is completely unworkable in BC. The Greens should have stuck with the E&N debate transforming a almost derelict railway into a modern regional railway, which is one of the best ways to mitigate global warming. But no, common sense is absent in BC.

    Rustad’s Conservatives now have some time to make fools of themselves, with their MAGA style anti-vax, climate change, evangelical tropes.

    Eby won’t change as the NDP will continue to blunder along from one photo-op to another, promising more of this, costing less than that and not delivering as promised.

    Eby will never admit to being wrong, so the current elder abusive programs, combined with unworkable hosing initiatives and unaffordable mega projects, will continue the same disastrous course, he sent this province on two years ago.

    I do not see any change as the “Hurtlands” will continue to hurt; tent cites will grow; drug abuse will increase due tot he hopelessness of it all, in essence, the Song Remains the Same.

    (Response: The Greens pushed middle of the road voters away by becoming TOO radical. Most British Columbians (and Canadians) do care about climate change and the environment … but the Greens (provincially and federally) seem to push “revolution” instead of “evolution” … and to hell with the pain and suffering they inflict on ordinary working families, seniors, businesses, industries, jobs etc. When the Greens had a lot of power on the Vancouver Park Board, not even the handicapped escaped the pain brought in through their fascistic dictatorial way of governing. Governments should never forget that, one way or another, it’s the people who end up paying for all the programs/restrictions/fees politicians impose to implement their agenda. So the Greens, as they now are, will NEVER win a provincial or federal election. h.o.)

  9. RIsaak says:

    I think the wait for another election will be fairly short, here’s why. The Conservatives had a minuscule budget this time and managed a virtual tie with the heavily funded NDP. Next time they will have almost the same amount as the NDP, Rustad & co have a chance to also attract some of the disgruntled BCUP monetary supporters, they just have to build a anti-Eby coalition by selling themselves as the only alternative to Eby’s Visionless Vancouver club.

    As I stated here many times, the urban/rural disconnect is a reality and the urban focused NDP seem oblivious. Red tape, bureaucratic dithering, over regulating, have all solidified anti-NDP sentiments for most rural residents (the vehicle operating, carbon tax contributors). My grocery purchases require 25kms just to get basics, school kid bus drop off would be over 40kms/day, this basic difference shows how rural residents pay far more carbon tax just for the basics of daily life, unlike the urban folks. Toss in more govt. forestry monitors in conjunction with US tarriffs and the assault on loggers families is very real. The increase in govt. monitors in agriculture also makes food production (we need to increase food production rather than continue increasing imports, did no one pay attention to supply chain interruptions?) more expensive and daunting for agriculture expansion.

    Bike lanes in cities seem to be important but highways & transport infrastructure in the rest of the Province where the cities food comes from is woefully underfunded? Billions for vanity subways and no center lane cement blocks to help avoid the serious issue of head on collisions on Hwy 5 north of Kamloops?

    SOGI, a nice concept with a different solution in my region. Many families (many more since pandemic) choosing to home school, this is a never mentioned side effect of SOGI.

    What would the closing of an urban ER cause for headaches if such occurred? Yet it’s almost a daily event in one or another small community?

    Political momentum is a powerful force, Eby & the greens are at best stagnant, probably more like withering. Rustad & co have momentum on their side, another trip to the polls is not going to take long, even with today’s NDP media cheerleaders tossed in.

    And as a final note, Christy Clark (the cause of the BC Liberal implosion) now wants to run for Trudeau’s job, I suppose if federal Liberals really wish to become a historical footnote, this is a wise tact?

    (Response: If Eby/NDP hold on to power with the support of the Greens, it will be very difficult for them to operate. Would the Greens vote for an end or even a cut to the carbon tax? What about any new LNG plants or pipelines to move products? Some ma feel the Conservativs would come to the government’s rescue in advancing those projects … but methinks now they’d rather see the government fall …so they can get another chance in another election. h.o)

    • Mr. RI…………….

      I have been very concerned about the environment for over 40 years and why I have stuck with my transit gig for so long.

      During this time I have been in communication with real experts outside the BC bubble and I can safely say, the Carbon Tax is doing nothing for the environment and is a revenue generator for government. In fact nationally and provincially, the carbon tax is a mere placebo for government that is doing nothing to mitigate the effects of climate change and global warming, while pretending it is.

      As one expert stated; “You cannot tax climate change out of existence”.

      What needs to be done is not being done nor will it be.

      Both the NDP and Greens have been captured by the Bicycle Lobby and their somewhat daft ideas, but sadly, especially in Metro Vancouver there is support for the cycling fraternity.

      I got banned from the Tyee for posting the statement; “the cycle lobby has done more long term damage to transit planning than good.”

      So, in a way, I hope the Conservatives do change things in Victoria and start looking at the billions of dollars being wasted on politically prestigious projects, designed for 10 second news-bites on TV and Radio and not much more.

      As for the “Hurtlands” I hope some sane policies are taken to make the rural population more secure and more. I am not holding my breathe, because the NDP don’t care, the Greens far too weak, and the Conservatives probably oblivious to the real needs in rural BC, especially after a year or so in the Victoria bubble.

  10. Gilbert says:

    The worst premier in Canada may have managed to stay in power, but it’s clear many voters are upset. His record was so bad that his strategy was simply to attack John Rustad and portray him as far-right. The media also helped him to a large extent. Outside of Vancouver and Vancouver Island, the NDP has little support, and I expect that to continue.

    (Response: The great divide between the Lower Mainland, parts of Vancouver Island and the rest of the province came into bright focus with this election’s results. What I found particularly ironic is that some of the province’s most serious problems (homelessness, druggies and crazies running amok, crime and highest costs for rents etc.) are worst in the areas that still elected the NDP. I don’t get that part! h.o)

  11. nonconfidencevote says:

    Very interesting.
    NONE of the “sycophantic” media ( I prefer lickspittle but you are far more generous than I) have mentioned the issue of the Speaker and Committee Chair).
    Such is the state of our complacent, compliant local media.
    Washing each others backs and drinking govt bathwater.

    I believe you are correct on the issue of another election.
    2 years or less.
    And that election will have both party’s receiving equal funding due to the equal number of seats in the Leg.
    Fair is fair.
    Hopefully sooner rather than later.
    One wonders what scandal will blow up in the NDP’s face to cause an election.

    (Response: Chuck may be correct in his earlier comment. I heard Rustad on radio this morning say the Conservatives would defeat an NDP government at its earliest possibility … so maybe they wont not even wait to fully replenish their election funds! h.o)

  12. Chuck B says:

    Harv you have hit it nail right on the head … be interesting to see the comments about to hit this topic …however, one lady I talked to, asked if she was going to vote and her reply: I will not vote .. they are all liars…. how many were thinking that way … I say get ready for another election, probably Fall next year, if not sooner …

    (Response: Thanks. I don’t know if it will be that fast ….because the Opposition parties need to raise money again to carry out another campaign and they may also worry about voter fatigue. But no way will whatever government emerges last four years! h.o.)

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