Blog on Travel Break: Back Dec. 2

Time to get away, enjoy some warmer weather, and put politics, world stresses and media frustrations aside … well, for a couple of weeks. 🙂 After all, I’m retired!

Back blogging Monday Dec. 2.


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3 Responses to Blog on Travel Break: Back Dec. 2

  1. Art Smith says:

    Hi Harvey, I am wondering if you are doing a “side hustle”, as they say now and getting royalties from Gary Mason for column ideas. (See Nov. 19 Globe & Mail)

    (Response: I should!! Amazes even me how often I pontificate or predict or sound alarms that also later turn up elsewhere, or are ignored or dismissed by politicians and media … at their own peril. I’d bet there are several NDPers who now think Eby/party should have paid greater attention to my rants about not waiting two years to call the election or ignoring my (and others’) warnings about the real growing anger out there about constantly rising carbon taxes, grocery prices, while pandering so much to the homeless, druggies, extreme activists, and the anti-Semites choking college/university campuses. h.o.)

  2. D.M. Johnston says:


    Sadly for medical reasons, one has to stay about 5 to 6 hours from a Canadian hospital – yikes!

    For those which international travel is not recommended, may I suggest train driver’s views widely available on YouTube. They are very professional and very watchable and the scenery is breathtaking.

    (Response: Thanks. h.o)

  3. e.a.f. says:

    Have a good time and travel safe.

    (Response: Thanks! h.o)

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