Trump Trade Attack on Canada Could Be Trudeau’s “Hail Mary” Election Issue!

At first, it sounded like a joke: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters Wednesday he is “looking forward” to taking on any trade challenges Donald Trump lays down between Canada and the US.

“Looking forward”? (One pundit reacted: “Like ‘looking forward’ to a root canal!” 🙂 )

But maybe Trudeau is on to something.

An Angus Reid poll in September placed Trudeau’s Disapproval rating at 65% among Canadians, his Approval rating stood at only 30%; and, IPSOS placed the PM’s Disapproval rating even higher, 67%, with an Approval score of 33%.

Pierre Poilievre is probably already picking out new furniture and drape colours/pattern for the Prime Minister’s Office.

But not so fast.

What if Trump ignores the USMCA Free Trade Agreement (as he previously ignored NAFTA) and keeps his election promise to impose new and higher tariffs on “ALL GOODS” coming into the US from ANY country … including Canada?

What if Trump tries to tear up the existing Canada-US vehicle manufacturing agreements?

What if Trump puts a high tariff on Canadian pork and beef flowing south and demands Canada abandon its marketing board system and allow American eggs, chicken, milk and dairy products to flow north unhindered?

It would start a trade war with Canada. Our industries, jobs, workers would be under attack.

Trudeau would have no choice but to fight back!


And as Canadians, wouldn’t it be our national duty to support our country, our Prime Minister and our government in that battle?

“O Canada! We stand on guard for thee…” should mean more than just a song.


So, what if Trudeau, in the middle of an Canada’s escalating fight against Trump and American trade aggression, sought a public mandate of support for the government’s defence of our own interests?

What a great election issue! The True North’s David versus the Aggressive Americans’ Goliath!

Who would you support? Canada’s stance or the US? Trudeau or Trump?

In fact, Trump’s targeting of Canadian goods and services could be the PM’s “Hail Mary” opportunity to reverse his political fortunes …. just before the clock runs out.

And who would Poilievre support? Surely not Goliath???

Harv Oberfeld

(Lest we forget: this blog posting on Remembrance Day and all the Comments expressed are a testimony to the freedoms we enjoy, thanks to the sacrifices of so many from Canada and other democratic countries’ armed forces over the years, decades … and now too. Remember them … always.)

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4 Responses to Trump Trade Attack on Canada Could Be Trudeau’s “Hail Mary” Election Issue!

  1. Keith says:

    Your response to Steve M. Harvey describes the similar situation with covid:

    (Response: Certainly, at this time, Trudeau has credibility and affinity problems with most Canadian voters. But give a politician a good emotional issue, especially one where a leader, after months of build-up, portrays himself as defending a nation that is under attack by a foreign bully, and the outcome could surprise you. Unless, of course, Trudeau finds another issue he thinks could save his political future. h.o)

    Just before covid hit most Canadians were tiring of Trudeau, not to the degree his numbers now reflect but were getting there. Covid gave those numbers a pause with another lease on his political life for covid’s duration (and a bit beyond) whilst shovelling out gobs of money helping him.

    With trump in office naming characters from the far side for critical positions, going with who you know being the best of poor our options would make sense Depending on what trump says and does, would we collectively want to take a chance on Polievre for the top job, with conservatives often taking the lowest common denominator?

    (Response: Watching Trump’s recent nominations for his cabinet, I’m expecting the pundits to start questioning if he is truly insane …or at Russian agent, trying to destroy the US from the inside! It all seems so irrational, it does not bode well for how his attitudes towards imposing arbitrary tariffs or trade negotiations will unfold. For Canada, that would be terrible; but for Trudeau, searching for an election issue that would take attention away from Poilievre, it just could breathe new life into his image/chances! h.o)

  2. Nonconfidencevote says:


  3. Chuck B says:

    I asked my daughter a number of years ago, what is the one thing you will remember about me when I am gone? Her reply: Don’t vote Liberal.
    I stand by that … no matter what!

    (Response: “No matter what”? Hard for me to understand that: I believe voting should be based on policies, individuals and their records in office.. or to send a message to those in power. Over the years< I have voted Liberal, Conservative, NDP and even Green … but as their policies and actions have shifted, so has my vote. h.o)

    • Nonconfidencevote says:

      I think outrageous Liberal deficit spending will affect us long after they are gone.

      (Response: Politicians … federal and provincial …don’t seem to care much anymore about deficits and debt …and, apparently, nor do most Canadians. Pity the future generations who will have to pay for it all. h.o)

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