Donald Trump is a bully … we all know that, based on his own well-publicised actions/statements over more than a decade; Donald Trump has autocratic leanings … his moves/appointments/decrees since taking office prove that; and, Donald Trump is dishonest … as evidenced by a jury of his own American fellow citizens finding him guilty of 34 criminal counts.
Yet, even his critics would have to concede Donald Trump was also a brilliant political strategist … a la P.T. Barnum … when he convinced 77 million Americans to buy his “shtick” and return him, despite all his faults and failings, to a second term in the White House as their President.
And let’s keep it real: many Americans support the new Trump regime’s crackdown on illegals in their country (especially those with criminal records), the end of DEI initiatives, and plans to curb restrictions and encourage resource developments.
But, when the Mad Hatter signed the Presidential Order levying a 25% tariff on almost all goods imported into the United States from Canada and, worse, 10% on fuel, that the entire world saw how DUMB Trump actually is …. on matters of trade, domestic and international markets and economic negotiations.
Even the conservative Wal Street Journal called this “the dumbest Trade War in history”.
Any leader … elected or despot … can impose tariffs.
But only a fool would impose them on a neighbouring country whose leader apparently despises him personally, is about to leave office … and, thus, needn’t really care too much about how he might react … or even how Canadian voters might feel about strong retaliatory measures.
In politics … as in comedy … timing can be critical!
Trump would have been a lot smarter and more in control had he waited only a few months … until after Canada’s next election, when all the polls predict Canada will have a new, inexperienced Prime Minister, a new inexperienced government, a new, inexperienced International Trade Minister, and a largely new, inexperienced team of bureaucrats and officials.
Poilievre would likely have been more uncertain, easier to squeeze for concessions and likely, as a novice, less trusted by Canadians to be able to stand up to Trump/American aggression ,
Instead, Canadians glued to their televisions and radios Saturday saw and heard an experienced Trudeau NOT back off one inch; instead castigating Trump and the US for their betrayal of more than a hundred years of friendship, camaraderie in war, celebrated partnerships in trade … and then vowing to make Americans pay a heavy price for their war on our workers, our industries and our economy.
And how brilliant: knowing the Mad Hatter had already threatened “retaliation” if Canada dared to fight back … Trudeau announced Canada’s initial $30 Billion tariff moves would also contain a HUGE $125 Billion escalation clause, if needed.
And Trudeau had immediate support from provincial Premiers.
Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston announced tolls at the Cobequid Pass will double for US commercial vehicles; and, the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation will remove all 400 U.S. alcohol products from store shelves effective Tuesday.
And now, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland will also stop selling US booze … a move that will cost American producers millions of dollars each week.
In BC, Premier David Eby signalled the federal government has the province’s full support, vowing to ban the import of all wine, spirits, beer from “red” states .. ie. hitting Trump supporters where it hurts, but not punishing producers in states that did not vote for the Mad Hatter.
I liked that! 🙂
Eby also announced the government would fast-track permits for local projects to develop jobs, work to expand BC trade beyond the U.S., and directed the B.C. government and Crown corporations to buy Canadian goods and services, not from American sources.
The way Canadians are reacting … with national pride, emotion and even anger rarely seen from Canadians, Trump may have even done what most Canadians probably thought impossible: resurrected Trudeau’s own approval ratings!!!
The Mad Hatter no doubt has his fans and supporters north of the border, but clearly miscalculated how the vast majority of Canadians find him personally disgusting, offensive and such a demagogue, almost no one is backing away from this fight, even if they must pay a cost!
Canadians WILL stand up for our workers, our industries, even our own US customers, partners and friends who will also be hurt by these tariffs.
In fact, I’d like to see Trudeau go even further than he has already announced to speed up the impact on the US … and hopefully expedite a resolution of the dispute.
The federal government should immediately STOP Canadians from making “day” trips to the US to buy groceries, clothes, toys, electronics etc. … if absent from Canada for less than 24 hours.
Officially, only AFTER an absence of 48 hours can Canadians bring back up to $200 (Cad.) each in US goods; and AFTER seven days that the allowance rises to $800 (Cad).
The government should make those still shopping in the US on “day’ trips stop at the border on their return, do the paperwork … and pay duties. (And if they have to wait an hour to be processed, even better.)
It IS the law … time to enforce it.
When shopping malls in Bellingham, Wash.; Plattsburg, NY.; Detroit, Mich.; Buffalo, NY and lots of other US border towns/cities sit almost empty, Americans will understand the real price of Trump’s foolery.
And, as the Prime Minister said, this is very good time for Canadians (especially given the Cad $ value) to plan vacations in and across our own great land! Not only will your country’s economy thank you … so will your wallet!
(I personally will be canceling an already-booked 16-day cruise from Vancouver to/around the islands/ports of Hawaii. Not this year!)
Canada did not start this war: Canada does not want this war; and Canada must NOT lose this war.
Trump is trying to force subservience on Canada and puffing up his own bloated ego with his MAGA base; for Canadians, it’s about MUCH more: our independence, our freedom and, protecting our more civil and, frankly, BETTER society!
We must stand firm against the Mad Hatter’s aggression.
Harv Oberfeld
(Pass it on! Every Canadian should read this blog post. And follow @harveyoberfeld on “X” for FREE First Alerts of new postings on this Blog.)
So much for the NAFTA 3 Amigos contract.
(Response; Give it time! With Trump, anything is possible. H.o)
What I find with Trump’s attacks on Canada, he has done what no other Canadian has done, he has whipped up Canadian patriotism. Harv has noted this in many of his comments and even in my small cul-de-sac, the “snow birds” have said adios to Florida and New Mexico and are staying closer to home.
Just putting out the garbage, today one of my neighbours told me that this is the first year they haven’t gone south and are learning to tough it out in the “great white north”. Evidently a reduced Canadian dollar is partly to blame but she said, “it has changed down south, the people are not friendly anymore.”
(Response: Can’t wait to see the 2025 figures for “visits to the US” by Canadians. I believe they will be WAY DOWN … because of the weak Canadian dollar … and a big hate-on for Trump, his insults, threats and even domestic policies! H.o.)
Its amazing how Canadians can be whipped into an anti American jingoistic frenzy in a few days.
Trump thrives on controversy.
He has no shame.
He loves the publicity, notoriety, popularity….a classic narcissist.
Spouting outrageous demands and then reversing them.
Same old same old.
And we have at least 2 years of this until a US mid term election may cut his mandate off at the knees and shut him down….but the vitriol will continue until he’s out in 2028
Oh well.
At least our politicians are finally earning their salaries.
(Response: Trump actually may do something Canadian “leaders” have failed to do: make Canadians feel really proud of being Canadian! H.o.)
Hard to imagine anyone reading this post after so many comments, and perhaps you should not read any further as my following speculation may be the result of some fever dream or conspiracy theory. However on January 22 Donald Trump made the statement about being “the best friend Canada ever had” during a campaign rally in Laconia, New Hampshire, on January 22, 2024.
Perhaps he is our “friend” because we have never seen Canada attempt to get her act together so fast. In fact, Internal Trade minister Anita Anand said interprovincial barriers could end in a month.
Perhaps and this is only a perhaps; this whole kerfuffle has been staged for the benefit of the public. If the Republicans could never survive in government with 40 million more liberal citizens perhaps Trump has shown the Liberals a way to survive and for Canada to strengthen so that we are not swallowed by some future Democratic government.
(Response: With Trump anything is possible. I personally think the international chaos he is sowing is deliberately designed to detract and cover up the internal American chaos he is using to get rid of any opponents … real or imagined … and remake the US federal government as a personal autocratic institution. And should any group or political foes try to challenge what he’s doing in the Supreme Court… The Republicans have already taken care of that over the past few years by stacking the Supreme Court with their own appointees. Americans should be much more worried than Canadians. H.o)
I believe we are on the cusp of reverting to 1968-70. For those who are too young to know, or remember, it was a time when the US was bitterly divided, was mistreating its own people, arrogantly forcing its will on another country and the rest of the world disliked “Americans” in general.
When I was last in the UK, it was during the first Trump term and while Americans were not treated badly abroad, they were talked about behind their backs, and their president was thought to be a crackpot. But because the ills were mostly domestic, people were mostly tolerant of those from the US.
In the intervening four years there was a collective sigh expressed around the world.
Now, less than a month into a 48-month mandate, the US administration is being outwardly aggressive and spiteful towards Canada, Greenland and Gaza while threatening economic war on other countries; friendly, allied countries.
Just three weeks in, protests are beginning at home and patriotic, angry pushback is taking place in the US’s closest ally, largest trading partner, and best friend.
To paraphrase our Prime Minister, Canada was there for the US during natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, and the recent California wildfires. We went above and beyond to provide instant refuge to stranded passengers and planes, during 911. Canadians fought and died alongside their US friends at Normandy, in Korea, Flanders and Kandahar. Canada played a major role in the release of American hostages in Iran.
Now Canada is being disrespected, bullied, and spat upon. It is being called the imposition of tariffs, but to Canadians, it is war, and the rest of the world is nervously watching.
So should this aggression continue, it is only a matter of time before Americans are shunned and treated badly abroad. More than 50% of the United States citizens voted for the current regime and since we cannot recognize which half an individual aligns with, they will all be lumped together and treated at least with uncharacteristic rudeness. And that will become global.
The frightening part is, no one can stand up to the military might of the US, should it come to that, and with such an unstable administration, it is entirely possible.
We fought the US in 1812 and won our independence. I’m not sure we can do it again.
(Response: Very scary … but plausible! I do not believe the American people … mainstream Republicans included … would have any appetite to invade Canada. But he could get away with an economic war … milking nationalistic sentiments. However , Canada would be supported in this by the UK, EU and even China …American isolation would lead to a huge boycott of US products … leading to a massive Democrat renaissance in the mid-terms, IF the Dems can get their own act together in the meantime. H.o)
I’m not going to bore people with all the examples of corruption at USAID, but one example is $20 million for an Iraqi Sesame Street. If we had a Department of Government Efficiency in Canada, who knows what we might find? Justin Trudeau is probably the best prime minister in Canadian history when it comes to wasting money.
His government killed Northern Gateway and Energy East. It introduced Bill C-69 (no more pipelines), the emissions cap, the just transition strategy and the carbon tax. Does anyone really think that the Liberal Party is now the best party to develop the country’s natural resources and improve the economy? If voters want higher taxes, less investment, more regulations and bigger government, the Liberals are the perfect choice.
It’s obvious that President Trump has absolutely no respect for the current Canadian government. At the moment, Canada is like a ship without a captain. If voters don’t get rid of the Liberals, I see a lot of problems for Canada in the future.
(Response: Government waste is visible at every level: politicians often “use” public funds to reward their own base for past support or to buy votes for the next election, even if they know that money is not well spent. We sort of have a Dept of Efficiency in the Auditor General: that office’s funding, staff and examinations should be expanded … but try to get the politicians who would come under greater scrutiny to do that! H.o.)
I’m consistently shocked how many of your commenters are determined to make Trump’s tomfoolery all Trudeau’s fault. Make no mistake, this was JT’s finest hour. And it has changed the tone of his exit and maybe even his legacy.
(Response: You must be confusing this blog with another: I’m the one who wrote about Trump’s huge blunder, Trump being “mad”, and, in a recent comment, maybe even insane. And suggested that Trump’s attacks on Canada and Trudeau’s response could even raise JT’s popularity in the polls … which is exactly what is happening! That sure doesn’t look to me like being “determined to make Trump’s tomfoolery all Trudeau’s fault”. H.o.)
Not you, the commenters. Many have doubled down on Trump so many times they steadfastly refuse to see him for what he is even when he threatens to conquer them. It’s unbelievable.
(Response: Now I see your point. It all depends on what Trump does at the end of the 30 day respite he has given over tariffs. If he goes ahead with them, there will be a economic war with Canada… and, as we find/expand markets in other nations, the damage to the US economy will be much greater than the MAGA supporters of the Mad Hatter could imagine. H.o)
I am no Trudeau supporter but, I believe the last 2 weeks were his finest hours.
Many people do not realize that Canada was the only country to have a war time planned economy prior to WW2.
Simply, our bureaucrats did not believe in “Peace in our time”and planned for a multi year war, one year before the invasion of Poland.
It took 3 years to ramp up Canadian industry to meet the demands of WW2 and Canada planned well. By the end of WW2 Canadian industry produced more than 800,000 military transport vehicles, 50,000 tanks, 40,000 field, naval, and anti-aircraft guns, and 1,700,000 small arms. Canada assembled a total of 16,000 military aircraft, 10,000 of which were shipped directly to Britain, and the remainder going either to the United States or remaining in Canada for use in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan.
Canada, when push comes to shove, knows war very well.
It is my belief, the very same mind-set was at work when Trump was elected president and put full into action when he ran for his 2nd term. Canada had a “Plan-B”, which shocked Trump and his cohort, as we knew where and how to cause the most pain if and when we applied retaliatory tariffs.
But Trudeau let something out of the bag today, Trump wants to invade and erase Canada being a country. To be blunt, this means war.
We are at war! Asymmetrical war now, but later ………….?
How can Canada respond? Trump and the USA is fast becoming a brutal fascist state, with all the evil apparatus of dictatorship; how can Canada respond?
There is only one way and that Canada must go nuclear. Only MAD will protect us from the oozing evil from down south. Canada has the means; has the technology; has the ability to make some pretty nasty stuff. (Maybe it is happening now?)
Trump is attacking the World Court; he is ignoring signed treaties; Trump is ignoring the rule of law; his entire shtick is one of lies, more lies and complete lies.
There comes a time in history, that decisions must be made and Trump has now crossed that “line in the sand” and we must face some brutal truths. If Trump and his band of terrorists every try to interfere with Canada, our government and/or sovereignty, the consequences will be swift and unimaginably horrific.
The choice is binary; will we be “Quislings” and denounce the Canada our forefathers so bravely fought and died for or be “Churchill’s” and continue the Canadian legacy.
This is the stark choice we have.
(Response: Trump may opt for an economic war against Canada as a way of detracting from the targeting and destruction of the American governmental and constitutional system that he and Musk’s thugs are systematically carrying out domestically. And then there’s the foreign policy and foreign aid chaos: it will be very hard for Canada to attract much attention … support … from the American media while all the rest of this stuff is going on. I am still hoping for a diplomatic resolution in the next three weeks or so, but I’m not hopeful… Economic war with Canada could be part of Trump’s plan, regardless of how cooperative we try to be. H.o)
Personally I don’t believe Trudeau’s comments yesterday were the result of a “hot mike”. It seems like a purposeful plant and statement designed raise anxiety in Canadians and the both main stream media and social media bought it hook, line and sinker. Its given media their content all day yesterday and today.
It is highly unlikely Trudeau’s statement about Trump would have stayed within the meeting past the end of the meeting.
Mark Carney is a more intelligent and mature version of Justin Trudeau, but his advisors are the same, Gerald Butts and Katie Telford. It’s clear he’s the establishment choice, but I doubt much will change under his leadership.
Under Justin Trudeau, border security hasn’t been taken seriously. Background checks on student visas need to be better as well as the security screening of asylum seekers. Foreign Secretary Marco Rubio is worried about the 5,000 Gazans in Canada. A number of them could be Hamas operatives.
According to Stephen Punwasi, Canada has some of the largest and most profitable fentanyl labs in the world, and customs enforcement at ports is compromised by gangs. A lot of fentanyl is exported from China and a lot of money is also laundered, often through casinos. Foreign interference in our elections is also a major concern.
Through the tariff threat, the American president now has Prime Minister’s full attention. If that was his aim, he has been successful. It also appears that Canada has become more unified, which we can all agree is good.
(Response: Your last paragraph sums it up very well re fentanyl. In addition, Trump may do what no Canadian Prime Minister has been able to do: result in the lowering of inter-provincial trade/services barriers. That alone would be a huge improvement for consumers and professionals who are willing to move, but find some of the barriers too cumbersome… if it happens. h.o)
Over 100 times more fentanyl comes illegally from the USA into Canada than what goes from Canada to the USA. Also, over 30,000 illegal weapons are shipped into Canada from the USA annually.
The illegal drug/gun trade is not a Canadian problem, but an American one.
Absolutely love this. Turns the tables on all the hypocrites. I think this was brilliant on the part of the crazed President of the USA!!!
I can only imagine Melanie Joly asking Trudeau how many Palestinians he wants. How many should we take in? Enough to cause discord or more than that??? What about the Arab countries? Are they offering to take a few? What about the UN? Some of the those anti-Israel countries should take in thousands of them, don’t you think?
Maybe Trump’s plan isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Time for all the “liberal” countries and the Arab states to take the Palestinians into their folds. How many are lining up?
(Response: No way! We don’t need any more here: just look at the anti-Semitic attacks (including violence), disruptions on campuses, disrespect for tolerance, human rights Canada is suffering already ..after taking in so many tribalized ant-democratic immigrants and refugees from the Middle East already. The Palestinians deserve their own state …something achievable only AFTER the terrorists in charge are eliminated. H.0)
Even ARAB countries dont want Palestinians. Especially Gazan Palestinians.
Trump is just sowing dissent.
Build a “resort” in Gaza?
Good luck with that. 18 months of Israeli bombs couldnt root them out.
Does anyone thing they will just leave because Trump wants it?
Trump did this ti stir the pot amongst Arabs…nothing more.
(Response: You actually raise some historic truths most of the media have failed or are too scared to point out: after Israel won statehood in 1948, thousands of Palestinians fled to Egypt, where many of them created chaos and were put down forcibly by Egyptian forces; tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees flooded Jordan, where so many of them became a violent threat to the government, the armed forces were turned on them and slaughtered thousands; Palestinians also moved by the thousands into southern Lebanon, where their various factions fomented such turmoil, and support for the terrorist Hezbollah, they almost destroyed the Lebanese state. Now there are militant Palestinians active in the UK, Europe, the US and Canada … where anti-Israel activism has taken on a new very ugly face … fully racist anti-Semitic intimidation and even violence. No wonder so many countries don’t want to welcome any more! H.o)
HO: “Sometimes I think Trump may be certifiably insane.”
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin were all suspected of having syphilis.
Just sayin’.
(Response: LOL! Interesting premise …would be a hoot if his annual medical checkup revealed that, but, of course, there are also LOTS of other psychological and mental illnesses that afflict thought processes and even sanity. He has just come up with so many bizarre appointments, actions, proposals … in just two weeks … I just keep wondering if the Mad Hatter may actually be certifiably mad!! H.o)
And instead of keeping calm and not acting stupidly here comes the Liberal cabinet again:
They love to poke the bear and when the bear pokes back, they act as if they have done nothing wrong. Do you actually believe Carney would behave any differently?
The lack of intelligence in both Canadian and American politics right now is astounding.
I blame our lack of choices and the laziness of our voters for our terrible choices.
The sheep flocking back to the Liberal Party when all the same people are still in charge….nauseating.
Do people really think things will change with Butts and Telford whispering in Carney’s ear?
With Joly, Annand, and Champagne still around?
Give me a break.
Maybe the play and story should be on every social media platform as reminder to Americans that Canada is a great neighbor and deserves to be treated better.
(Response: I sense many Americans today don’t care about PAST alliances, loyalties or even accomplishments: they want to see “victories”, strength, lots of “USA” “USA” “USA” … until the real price of that nastiness and isolationism starts to hit home. H.o)
Trump was wailing on how bad the Canadians treat the U.S.A. We are so unfair to them. He was whining and whining. So this country with 40 million citizens were beating up on a country with approx. 340 Million? Really. We are so unfair to the U.S.A.. We just ride the American coat tails and avoid paying for their military? They would be spending that anyhow. Its how the U.S.A. keeps their economy going. A large part of it is their military weapons complex.
As to flooding the U.S.A. with fenty. The first response from Canada was, approx,.less than 1% of the fent comes from Canada. Later it was reported its .02% of the American supply. Trump needs to get over it and do something in his own country. We’re not here to fix their problems. The drug industry is large, very large. Haven’t heard him say the government would go after their top crime bosses, arrest them for money laundering, they don’t want to inspect their containers coming into the country. the last time the American federal government suggested they inspect all the containers corporations such as Walmart carried on as if they were going to die, in mass. Trump could simply have their police forces instigate investigations into money laundering via the banks and real estate. He certainly won’t be doing that. Might cut into the profits of drug cartels and heavens you wouldn’t want that. Some of us may remember the Iran Contra scandal.
It was entertaining to read the Mexican President did get a promise from Trump that the U.S.A. stop the flow of guns into Mexico.
None of this is really about guns, drugs, military contributions. Its about a distraction and he got that. While Musk and his boy gang are rumaging through the American government’s computer systems he had people looking at trade issues with Canada and Mexico.
Trump’s constant carry on about Canada becoming the 51st state, his insisting Denmark turning over Greenland to the U.S.A. because its essential to their national security, invading Panama to regain control of the canal because China’s government has too many people there….. While many are focusing on that, we get to what he really wants, Gaza. He wants Gaza for a resort. He wants almost two million people moved out of Gaza. That is ethnic cleansing. He wants to build a “beautiful resort” but they can’t rebuild Gaza for the people who live there. Yes, Hamas needs to go, but the rest of the population, they get to stay. Trump has also suggested he may have plans for the West Bank….. If you ever wanted to destroy Israel, Trump is doing it. Insisting that almost two million people be moved out of Gaza to other Arab states is ridiculous. They say Trump doesn’t drink booze. Well he must be on something if he thinks the Arab countries are going to go along with that. Firstly, some of the Arab countries are having enough problems and poverty without a few hundred thousand being sent to each country. Then there are the Arab states which have game rules not consistent with the life style the people of Gaza have i.e. Saudi Arabia. Now this maybe a tactic of Trump’s to extort money or anything from the other Arab states, if you don’t pay me off, I’ll have almost 2 million people sent your way. How do you actually move that many people. I know how the Nazi’s did it, (even have a family picture of it) but the middle east doesn’t have the German rail system and the rail system in Europe.
(Response: Sometimes I think Trump may be certifiably insane, but I prefer to believe (it’s less scary) that he is just politically eccentric … with all the wacky, bizarre ideas/appointments he has come up with in just the first few weeks of his new term. Have to admit, I’m glad he’s going after at least some of the illegals who have just flooded the US, some of the generationally terrible waste of federal spending and I’m happy to see a stronger stance against terrorist organizations and Iran, which is actively arming and financially backing many of them. And I think his assault/insults directed at Canada may actually be a good wake up call for us …to lower provincial trade barriers, expedite projects that will open new markets … and wean ourselves off the US as much as is practical. h.o)
Yes, there are undocumented people who are criminals in the U.S.A. but their own stats. reflect that the undocumented pay more in taxes, etc. than they receive in benefits because they are undocumented they don’t access many of the programs they could if they were documented. The number of undocumented criminals in the U.S.A. aren’t the real problem, its how the American government has treated their own citizens and how the lack of health care and guns kill Americans.
Trump’s attacks on Canada have inspired many Canadians to have a good look at their country and are appreciating much more than they have in the past.
If we look at how the American government and their corporations meddled in Central and South America’s business over the decades in their efforts to make larger profits and “fight the commies” its not a surprise those countries became very hostile environments to live in and hence the people moving to where they thought it was safer.
Certainly some of us remember the death squads in Central American which murdered Catholic church representatives. It was during the governments lack of doing their jobs and just ensuring that they and theirs got as much as possible, that the gangs started to rise. The U.S.A.’s activities in the region is why they are where they are today.
What was Justin Trudeau doing before tariffs were going to take effect? Was he working hard and doing his best to serve Canadians? Unlike the Mexican president who didn’t insult the American president, who didn’t announce what she would do prematurely and who was on the phone with the American president, the Canadian Prime Minister dismissed American concerns and was undoubtedly preparing emergency cheques to make the population even more dependent on the government.
His attempts to use distrust of the USA to boost his popularity may be working. The media is telling us that his actions were perhaps his finest moment while failing to tell us that the crisis could have been prevented. Those who can’t stand the American president are like fish who can’t see the water. They focus all their anger on the American president while they ignore the many problems with their own leader.
It’s absolutely ridiculous that parliament is suspended. There are now rumours that Mark Carney will make a deal with the NDP to continue in power, declare a national emergency, prepare beautiful cheques and delay the election until until next year. Canadians must not accept that. It’s time to fire the corrupt, incompetent and self-serving government that has done a lot of harm to Canada.
(Response: I watched Carney on television today and he came across very well…more mature, almost statesmanlike and less extreme in his comments in a number of topics than Poilievre seems to be when he talks, throws out pre-scripted phrases etc. In fact, I had to remind myself that Carney is a long time Liberal policy contributor, supported the carbon tax for a long time (until relatively recently) and would no doubt not represent the “change” I want to see in many government policies. But I think he will at least give the Liberals a better chance than Trudeau in pulling a victory out of the jaws of defeat! And ironically, Trump’s attacks on Canada… and fears Poilievre would cozy up more to the Mad Hatter could help Carney/Liberals when the campaign does begin. H.o)
Trump brought up fentanyl as a reason bogus or otherwise for tariffs which the U.S. numbers show last year about 20 kgs. were found by them coming from Canada, hey look at the Mexican border not us. Our country is awash in the stuff and recently a high capacity factory was busted in B.C. where the cops found a half ton of drugs with probable ties to the cartels. If we think that 20 kgs. will fool the Americans we are dreaming which is a reflection on our border security but also on theirs.
1% of sea cans are scanned at the ports and organised crime don’t have too many problems shipping out higher end stolen vehicles, In short our ports leak like a sieve which has been common knowledge since the dismantling of the Port Police back in the nineties, and still the feds of various political stripes have done nothing.
trump brought up illegal crossings from Canada, sure not our problem where is the U.S. border patrol on this?. An example of internal and international fraud under our noses and nothing being reported so far to shut this loophole after extensive coverage. An Indian newspaper tells Canada to get it’s act together. How many more student visas are used as a back door to the U.S. via Canada, amongst the myriad of other methods along our undefended border. ?
In the article.
“The massive fraud might have gone undetected had a horrifying tragedy not happened. A family of four from Gujarat was found frozen to death near the border in January 2022. The desperate pursuit of the American Dream had claimed the lives of Jagdish Patel, his wife and two kids.”
Paraphrasing Mayor Patrick Brown of Brampton “ enough of weak laws and weak kneed judges” when addressing the drug fuelled mayhem in his city.
Our politicos have enabled organised and less organised crime to operate as the rewards far outweighs the risks. Although trump’s overinflated embellishments of the facts are obvious, it also shines a light on our ineffectiveness to do anything meaningful to stop this within our own borders.
(Response: When you watch all that’s going on in the United States since Trump took office, the problem with Canada is actually quite small in terms of threats to America and threats to American democracy. Trump is emerging as a right wing Autocrat, with little or no respect for anyone who has differing ideas. His insults and attacks on Canada have done more to stir national pride on this side of the border, generate more interest in “buying” Canadian and have also led to the first serious talks in decades about taking down provincial border trade restrictions, and barriers. Maybe we should thank the Mad Hatter for what he has done! H.i)
The voters of Canada wanted a reduction in government. They wanted fewer federal workers, they wanted lower taxes, well the government of the day tried to give them what they wanted without thinking of the future.
Crime in the Canadian ports aren’t something which started when the Port Police were disbanded. I still have a Canadian magazine which has a lovely article about Hal Banks and the SIU and crime isn the Canadian ports. When I saw the mag. at an auction, I bid on it. Had to really laugh to see it all out there again. Yes, those days were not funny, but it did make me laugh.
When the port police were disbanded the duties were turned over to cities. What did the cities do. Not much. If they had stepped up to the plate, we might be in another position.
As I recall Chretien started the disbanding of the Port Police some where around 1997, to “save money”. Now I do remember we had a Conservative government and they did nothing to replace it with anything. Both major parties in Canada re to blame for the lack of Port Police and the a few provinces who have major ports simply did nothing.
I don’t have a clue what it would cost to create a new Port Police force, but I’m sure 400M would be one figure. Canadians would howl if it required an increase in taxes. If you want a port police force in Canada, be prepared to pay for it or keep quiet.
Proud to be Canadian is gaining unreal momentum …..
And the “dictator” south of the border probably was not prepared for the reaction …
As Canadians … stand firm … I will be checking labels in the grocery store …. any with the US are avoided …We noted in our household, 90% of our furniture was made in Canada …
Be proud people .. we can out Canadian him …
(Response: Check the labels! How ironic that Trumps ignorance and insults and threats could end up assisting Canadas economy… and national pride as well! H.o)
I think that David Eby’s decision to stop purchasing alcohol products from Red states is petty. First, not all people in those states voted for Donald Trump and they are being penalized (also, nearly 6 million people in California voted for Trump, why not penalize them?). Second, I am guessing that Kentucky is considered a Red state by Eby. Its Governor is a Democrat and its 2 US Senators are Republican (Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul). Both Senators have been openly critical of Trump’s decision to impose tariffs. Why penalize Kentucky? Third, Eby’s principal of only boycotting certain states can one day be held against BC one day. There are a lot of people in Alberta’s UCP government that have long memories about how BC helped to stop Northern Gateway and tried to slow down the Trans Mountain pipeline.
Personally, I think that the BC government should continue alcohol from Red states. There is enough consumer anger right now that most people will voluntarily stop buying from the US.
(Response: I believe EB made the right decision… Better to punish the states that voted for Trump rather than all the US states including those who voted solidly against him. What’s the alternative? Not do anything? If retaliation has to take place it is best aimed that those areas that solidly voted in favour of America’s anti-Canada aggressor. H.o)
Eby made the right decision. it send a clear message to those states who voted for Trump. They can look at California, whose wine will most likely continue to flow to B.C. while other states will be sitting on barrels of unsold liquor.
Tariff takeaways:
Trump blinked and it wasn’t from the likes of Trudeau or the Mexican president, rather it was the Dow Jones. Rumour has it that if the tariffs were applied and the counter tariffs would come next, the Dow Jones would have dropped 1,000 points. The American politcal psyche is a very important part of the Dow Jones and to have that collapse after only two weeks after Trump’s inauguration would have been domestic politcal catastrophe.
Trudeau is leaving office on a high note, he took on Trump and did not come out looking like a true statemen. This bodes well if Trudeau wishes to enter the politcal fray some time in the future.
Trump did something for Canadian Unity that no PM or political party could have done, the country is united. Maybe unnoticed by many, fans booing at a Calgary NHL game last Saturday, sent shock waves across the USA as Calgary and Alberta are seen as the most USA friendly province/city in Canada. The booing crowds sent a message to those south of the 49th, that was loud and clear.
As I have stated previously, on the tariff issue, either you are a “Churchill” or a “Quisling” and it seems Canadians are definitely “Churchills”.
“My smelling the coffee” award, goes to Premier David Eby as someone read his tea leaves correctly. Mind you, is his “grim as death” look natural or is there something else unpleasant this way comes!
The loser in all this was the “Wee P” as he was seen fat too late to step up to the plate and his party is infected with “Maple MAGA’s”, which definitely puts the conservatives into the “Quisling” scale of things.
His recent audience with an American private health insurer was very bad optics.
The runner-up loser with this is the “Maple MAGA’s”, as they picked the wrong side. Rob Ford read the tea leaves correctly but the premier of Alberta did not.
My ya-so award goes to the Canadian mainstream media, who clearly haven’t a clue about American politics, except for what they see on FOX Entertainment. It is so sad to see how completely dismal Canadian news has become.
We have 29 days and counting and one wonders if the 34 count convicted felon, sexual abuser, grifter, seller of all sorts of expensive tat, who is now the president of the United States going to do?
The way things are looking, will there be a Unites States in 30 days (?) as the antics of Elon Musk and the wholesale destruction of the American government apparatus continues. If things go south, tariffs will be the least of the Trump/MAGA worries.
(Response: First, let me say something about the media on this one. I was in Florida while it unfolded and was amazed at how the US media gave it second or third place or even fourth place in their coverage, after Trump cabinet appointments, airplane crash follow up Number 327, illegals roundups and local murder #8 (not sure if that was for the week … or the day. As for me, I tuned in the CBC on YouTube and found it quite good: extensive coverage, lots of details of what was happening and when and widespread reactions (although, of course, being the CBC, they somehow managed to find and go to NDP and Indigenous reps first far too early and prominently: government and official opposition should have been first!)
As for the conflict itself, Trump knew there would be reaction and even a temporary delay … why on Saturday didn’t he impose tariffs immediately?? Starting Tuesday??? All part of his plan … although, as I said earlier, the STRENGTH of the reactions everywhere no doubt caught him by surprise. Bet now he’s looking for a way out without losing face! H.o)
I watched CBC. It provided better information than the others and the newspapers. Some may want to do away with CBC but not me.
D.M. Johnston, agree with your interpretation of the tea leaf readers. Ford did a good job. Eby’s response to Trump’s comments, we didn’t have anything the Americans needed, made me laugh. He reminded Trump of the mineral the Americans need and only Canada and China produce it. China doesn’t export.
Trump doesn’t know even where his country’s energy comes from. When a couple of Premiers mentioned all the electricity they were willing to cut off from the Americans all that came to mind was the black out in N.Y. back in the day.
Smith unfortunately just isn’t going to get it any time soon. She just fired her Health Services Board of Directors. Those are the people she appointed after she fired the first one.
(Response: One of the unintended consequences of Trump‘s attacks on Canada might be that Americans are suddenly coming to realize how important Canada is as a source of oil, natural gas and electricity… and how we’ve built a better society then they have … despite all their wealth and much larger population. H.o)
The American Media is in Trump’s pocket, but who really watches the telly anymore.
As you pointed out, YouTube has become an important source of information and not just the current news.
To be blunt, the Americans do not give a damn about Canada, they don’t know and don’t care. Well, maybe they would take more notice that by chance, the power went out from Canada this Sunday afternoon.
I think they would care then………………
(Response: Too many Americans seem to largely only want to hear “positive” news these days: MSNBC (almost the Unofficial Opposition to Trump) ratings are in the toilet; CNN apparently down too. So Trump is getting a “green light” to run rampant …and. if he fails, so many will say later … “We didn’t really know!” Sound familiar? H.o)
Did he blink?
I don’t think so, at least not because of us. Nothing really changed here except our forced vocal solidarity. Well maybe the words “helicopters on the border” appealed to the wee child in him. I believe, enough Americans, including some within his own party, and world reaction caused him to take a step back, which was probably a small part of his twisted strategy to use, if needed. Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and Trudeau kissing his ring gave him an escape; a stroke to his ego and a result his sycophants could congratulate him on.
Some things that caught my attention:
How much US booze we consume; local shelves were very bare.
David Eby’s position on Trump being reprehensible. I liked his stance that it has nothing at all to do with fentanyl, that Trump cannot be trusted, and that our relationship with the US has been damaged long term.
I do wonder though at the notion of long-term damage, because of human’s reluctance to change habits. Yesterday, one day before the tariffs kicked in, those habits were on display in my little town here on the island. I saw few people looking for Canadian products in Save On and the local Starbucks was as busy as usual, even though there are four other locally owned, mom and pop coffee shops, all with better pastries, within view of Starbucks massive windows, and the me generation designed furniture. Will Harvey’s Hawaiian cruise quickly reappear on the menu?
And lastly, where has John Rustad been through all this? Holding Danielle Smith’s coat?
(Response: I don’t think it’s a case of Trump “blinking”:it was all part of his plan …shock your opponent with outrageous claims and demands to soften them up for concessions … just to get a deal, any deal! And in that sense he succeeded. But Trump did miscalculate hugely on: how forcefully Canada and Mexico reacted IMMEDIATELY with retaliatory tariffs … not just a plea to negotiate… and threats of more retaliation to come! He made Trudeau look good!!! And I’d bet he was surprised at how angry and ready to fight were Canadians generally … of all political persuasions and from coast to coast. And then there were the markets: money abhors instability and uncertainty. Trump now needs to save face, so Canada and Mexico will give him something that will also serve us in the end. But I think the damage he did to the US in the end will last quite a long time! H.o)
I like free trade, and conservatives usually do too. President Trump seems to like tariffs, but in many cases, they are just a negotiating tool. He wants Canada to do more to secure the border, probably wants access to the dairy market and probably wants Canada to spend more on its military.
Though the amount of fentanyl that enters from Canada may be small, the American president probably wants the Canadian government to do more to stop it from entering the country via China. The problem is that a government that has legalized drugs and has very liberal policies is probably not so eager to change its policies. At the same time, very liberal drug policies are a disaster and need to be abandoned.
I don’t like it when governments decide to remove American alcohol from their shelves. To me, it seems childish. Why should Puerto Rico (Bacardi rum) be punished for the actions of the American president? To me it’s typical of the nanny state mentality that dictates to its citizens what they need. It’s much better to promote Canadian products and encourage Canadians to support Canadian workers without treating them like children.
It’s so interesting that the radical left in Canada was against pipelines and the development of natural resources, but now we hear even from the left that we need more pipelines and need to diversify our economy. That’s absolutely true. We should refine our own oil and not just ship it to the USA at a discount. In the USA it is refined and then sold around the world for profit. There’s no reason we can’t do that ourselves.
We also need to remove interprovincial trade barriers. I’ve heard politicians say that for a long time, but nothing has been done. It’s ridiculous that it’s easier to trade with the USA than with different Canadian provinces. Canada needs to start acting like a real country.
It seems that Canadian of are finally uniting and demanding action. Diversifying the Canadian economy, building more pipelines and removing inter-provincial trade barriers should have already been done. At least now Canadian politicians seem more focussed and there might be real progress. Maybe Donald Trump has done more to unite the country and improve its economy than the current Canadian politicians.
(Response: I believe in open trade, internationally and inter-provincially as much as possible and practical. We must guard against dumping at the same time. What Trump is really aiming at, I suspect, is an end to Canada’s marketing board system, that regulates and restricts production and sales of certain products, like milk, cheese, poultry, pork. The US’s huge agricultural conglomerates have long wanted access to Canadian markets, but that could wipe out many Canadian farmers, who would find it hard to compete and could be wiped out. h.o)
Re. Harv’s response on marketing board commodities. Pork is not a quota or marketing board item.
(Response: Thanks. As the dispute with Trump continues to evolve, I’m getting the impression that what he really wants are guaranteed (exclusive?) access to Canada’s rare minerals and an end to our marketing board system, so US suppliers can ship their products north without restriction. H.o)
Looks like it is on pause and we are going to patrol our borders better, just like the Mexicans will…. just a scare tactic and they all caved to Trump! And your comment about “mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore” isn’t quite true anymore, is it or Trudeau wouldn’t have been on the phone twice today, after saying on the weekend that he hadn’t been in communication at all with Trump – strange what a little fear does to Justin.
(Response: To be fair, it’s more demonstrative of what a little fear did to Trump! Trudeau had tried to talk to the President a number of times since he was inaugurated … it was Trump who would not talk, until he saw how angry and united Canadians were, from coast to coast … and he realized Americans would feel our wrath … probably a lot more than he expected. H.o)
Hopefully what comes from all of this is a stronger more secure and united Canada after years of divisive Liberal politics and decades of inter provincial fighting.
(Response: It’s been a long time since all Canadians had a common cause and a common adversary. Maybe we should thank Trump! 🙂 h.o)
I am in agreement with your column up to a point. Trump is angling or as Conrad Black sais “playing poker”. There are two really great (in my opinion) pieces that need to also be taken into consideration. One is from Jordan Peterson who I like and the other is a podcast. Both point to how Canada got ourselves in this God dammed mess going back to Pierre Trudeau who to be clear – I disliked. I despise his son.
Am attaching them.
(Response: Canadians … and Americans … can debate whether the Canada/US trade situation or any other issue or political alignment needs adjustment. However, my point …and that of the Wall Street Journal, Conrad Black and a growing host of political, economic experts agree Trump’s imposition of tariffs was a DUMB move!!! A VERY DUMB move, in my opinion, because he gave Trudeau a chance to kick him where it hurts on his own way out! I have no doubt if JT were seeking re-election, his response … $155 Billion worth of tariffs … would have been moderated or at least delayed 30 days. I’m glad Trudeau (and Eby and other Premiers) are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore … just more evidence Trump’s move, at this time, was REALLY, REALLY DUMB!!! H.o)