USA 2025: the Year of the Mad Hatter!

Donald Trump is mad!

Look up any and every definition of the word “mad” and I daresay every Canadian (and most Americans too) would find the 47th US President fits at least one of the definitions, some would say several, and others would contend ALL.

Yes, Trump is mad … but he is not dumb … or, at least not politically.

As a news junkie and political science graduate, I have watched his popular rise and fall … and then resurrection … since he delivered his first ever political speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February 2011 … pushing more than a few populist buttons.

And it helps to understand the American people’s unusual, excessive adoration of wealth and celebrities … especially those who know how to “work’ their fans.

Trump offered both … looked rich, knew how to press buttons and exploit nationalistic sentiments.

Then came Trump’s unique creation: a multi-millionaire business tycoon candidate, wearing $2,000 (or more ?) suits, $200 (?) dollar shirts, $100 (?) ties …that almost none of his base could afford … but sporting a $20 Make America Great Again baseball cap that every believer could afford, buy and wear proudly as part of a movement .

It looked ridiculous to some, funny to many, and his wild, provably false statements, displays of appalling ignorance, narcissistic Tweets and, frankly, boorish, repulsive “mad’ behaviours would have spelled doom for a “normal” political candidate.

But in the United States, madness, combined with celebrity, wealth and nationalist (or even religious, racial and xenophobic) rhetoric often works! (Not even cavorting with prostitutes or criminal convictions are necessarily disqualifying factors today.)

“MAGA” pressed millions of people’s buttons and Trump’s targeted red-meat speeches struck a chord … and aided by high housing, grocery and gas prices, skyrocketing illegal immigrant numbers and fears of violent crime … Trump captured more than 77 million votes in the past election!

It was a remarkable accomplishment.

And don’t sell Trump short: domestically, he will remain quite popular if prices of gasoline and groceries fall, if Courts get tougher on violent crime and if there is a major crackdown and deportation of illegals.

Internationally, though, trouble looms.

He will bully, bluster, threaten … and, yes, inflict pain on any perceived weak adversaries, believing they will “cave” in the long run to his demands.

And, make no mistake, Trump … like many other oligarchs, dictators … will be quite willing to see his own population pay the price, even suffer, believing victory in the end will bring relief.

Canada had better be ready for that.

In the face of hurtful, job-destroying tariffs imposed on our products, we must retaliate (not just threaten) with equal import tariffs, especially on goods that can be sacrificed/substituted/imported from other countries.

Products imported into Canada from the US include: all kinds of machinery; electronic equipment; appliances; plastics; leather; rubber products; prepared foods: cereals; baked goods: pastas; fresh and processed vegetables, fruit (Washington apples, California produce, fruit, nuts; Alaska salmon, Florida oranges and juice), wines and liquors.

And virtually ALL of those goods could be sourced locally or imported from other countries that also produce them (where lower labour costs/taxes can compensate for higher transportation costs).

There is no doubt Canada has benefitted greatly from access to the US market, but what many Americans don’t know is that Canada is also the largest export market for 36 US states.

“Canada is traditionally the top U.S. export market, accounting for 14.2% of all U.S. goods exports in 2022. In 2022, Canada maintained its position as the United States’ top trading partner. Canada and the United States trade over US$2.5 billion in goods and services daily,” reports the US International Trade Administration.

And if the dispute gets really ugly, don’t be surprised to see the federal government impose EXPORT tariffs on US-bound high-demand Canadian oil, natural gas and electricity … adding even more costs to Trump’s IMPORT tariffs, making energy very expensive for US consumers.

And since Trump wants the border tightened up, how about enforcing Canada’s Customs laws on how much Canadians can bring back from the US, especially on visits of under 48 hours! (US border towns, cities, shopping malls be warned!)

A trade war will hurt both sides … but history has shown a leader who is “mad” doesn’t let facts stand in the way of his fanatical belief in his “conquering” destiny.

Since Trudeau now is on the way out, the Prime Minister will not feel as politically vulnerable or constrained in exchanging hard economic blows with Trump had he still been looking for re-election.

How ironic: a tough Trudeau could even see his poll numbers rise!

Harv Oberfeld

(Follow @harveyoberfeld on “X” (unless Musk sees this!) for FREE First Alerts of new postings on this proudly Canadian blog!)

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25 Responses to USA 2025: the Year of the Mad Hatter!

  1. Marge says:

    Trump may be captain crazy but this idea almost makes sense:

    Finally make the Arab countries responsible for the Palestinians….. except they don’t want them!!!

    (Response: The Palestinians should have their own state … but that will never happen as long as terrorists and/or corrupt regimes run their territories. And it’s about time the Arab countries got rid of those negative forces … instead of leaving it up to Israel to occasionally try … and then get publicly condemned by states whose leaders are privately are thankful. Maybe Trump will coax them into the spotlight and to even act! h.o)

  2. Not Sure says:

    This is what Trump said at his inauguration about the assassination attempt.

    “I believe my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again,”

    I guess that same God told him to refer to the soft spoken Bishop Budde as “nasty” and “not smart” when she pleaded with him to show mercy and compassion – you know the kind of thing Jesus was famous for.

    But maybe he is the Messiah. We have Bezos and Musk and Zuckerberg as the new disciplines (rather than lowly fishermen) sitting in prominent positions at the inauguration.

    What a joke.

    Except. And I don’t know if he is doing it on purpose (genius if it is) or just a quirk of his personality. Here I am upset about a guy who thinks he is God’s chosen, others get enraged by Musk giving an alleged Nazi salute and in the meantime much of what he has done gets ignored amidst the noise. Does anybody actually think Trump believes he is God’s chosen. He might think he is Godlike but I doubt that he actually believes in God let alone worships one. His ego is too big. And Musk. He is not that stupid to give a Nazi salute. But he is troll enough to make one that is plausibly deniable just so critics will freak out and look once again like sore losers that are clutching at straws and pearls. Do you think that Trump lost one supporter over his “Messiah” complex or Musk’s salute.

    I am not saying we cave to Trump, but we have to stop over-reacting. Trump promised 10% tariffs on Canada and Mexico unless the border was improved. We immediately put $1B toward border security (which isn’t a bad idea) but what did that get us? The promise of 25% tariffs. Now we are blustering about a trade war – a dollar for dollar battle which unfortunately we can’t win against a country with 8x our population. (every time Canada loses a billion dollars that’s $25 per Canadian; while it costs each American only $3 for each billion lost. Whose life savings runs out first as the billions pile up.

    I am no expert in international relations or trade policy but negotiating in public with someone who is just pushing chaos doesn’t seem like the best plan. Trump has said nothing. Is it still a border issue or does he just want to destroy us to make America great again. Whatever that means.

    In the meantime we have “drill baby drill” on one side of the border and “axe the tax” on the other both indicating clear public support for the end to battling climate change. We can only hope it’s cheaper to cope with the increasing wildfires, hurricanes and other natural disasters, but I doubt it.

    Sorry for the rant.

    (Response: when you rant, you often make some very good points. But I want to assure you Trump is NO Messiah … in any sense of the word. More of a P.T. Barnum, maybe with the speaking capabilities of a Jimmy Swaggart, who will fleece the flock! Canada will have to make concessions (maybe get rid of marketing boards and open our border to US dairy, poultry etc) but in the end, we will survive his regime. And let’s keep it real, if he does bring prices down, stops the open economic migration of millions of illegals and curbs America’s rampant violet crime, that wouldn’t hurt! h.o)

  3. Art Smith says:

    Hi Harvey, unfortunately, our “Coward of the Cottage” decided to quit, rather than have to deal with Trump. Then has the nerve to jump back in to try and look like a leader and comes up with Team Canada, and berates Premier Smith for not joining up. This after he and his environment minister have spent most of their time trying to kneecap her and her province with production caps, etc. He is without a doubt, the most useless, and despicable PM we have ever had! A big talking phoney, who has accomplished next to nothing, compared to the damage he has done to the country. He even surpassed his old man, in trying to destroy Alberta and in the process, Canada.
    Team Canada, give me a break!

  4. Gilbert says:

    A trade war with the USA will be devastating. Canada needs an intelligent, professional and diplomatic leader. If Mr. Trudeau had any common sense, he’d get out of the way immediately.

    Canada needs to build more pipelines, improve its military, stop climate change hysteria and the crazy policies of the radical left.

    Co-operation with the USA is key. Right now Canada is in a state of paralysis. Voters are tired of a dishonest government that blames everything on COVID (it’s time to destroy the biolabs), Ukraine and climate change.

    (Response: we should and could build more pipelines… Oil and natural gas… As long as we are guaranteed markets where they could be sold. And don’t forget our electricity: we built huge dams in BC partially because the US told us they needed our power. If they play rough, so should we… Perhaps applying an export tax on the electricity we send them that they so crucially need both in the west and the east. H.o)

  5. Ijustdontknowanymore says:

    I’m more afraid of the likes of Alberta’s Danielle Smith undermining Canada’s position by going in an opposite direction and cozying up to the Madhatter and the system he espouses and is putting into action. Isn’t this an act of some kind of betrayal of one’s country to another that has an unfriendly authoritarian leader who is transformong the country into an undemocratic dictatorial state.

    (Response: I agree Smyth could do more harm than good by cozying up to Trump, rather than standing as part of a united Canadian front. I hope behind the scenes strategies and other politicians… In Alberta as well as the rest of the country… Are explaining to her the damage she could do to Canada‘s fight with Trump. H.o)

    • Why says:

      I wonder how many here or politicians like Eby have read “The Art of the Deal” Smith likely has and her approach opens many negotiating options. The Eby and Trudeau types have no clue and I would certainly like them at my poker table as they openly show their hands.

      And yes it is all about Trump his way or the highway. In the end he wants to be remembered as (fill in the blank)

  6. RIsaak says:

    Ironically, if Harper would have won in 2015, energy east & northern gateway would have been built along with Texan money paying for TMX, much of the Trump nonsense would have been blunted.

    CBC’s love affair with Carney is nauseating.

    Not a single effort from the LPC to increase domestic food production with all the supply chain issues during the pandemic. Just bring in millions of more hungry mouths and do bupkis to increase food production, cannot fathom the disconnect shown by the globalists in the LPC?

    Too many opportunities for a narcissistic, self absorbed chap like Trump to miss.

    Cause & effect logic, a force absent in all Canadian “Progressive” political options!

    A shift to Oligarch rule in the US can hardly be ignored, our nation has aided in willfully opening many doors for such petulant behaviour!

    (Response: I don’t see the CBC as having so much a love affair with Carney as much as a fear of Poilievre. As I have written on several occasions, I view the CBC is the unofficial voice of the left-wing of the NDP… Not the liberals. But I am sure the CBC producers, reporters and even top brass would prefer Carney to Poilievre and the conservatives… Not only because it might interfere with their current biases, but also their long-term employment! H.o)

  7. e.a.f. says:

    Trump is a nasty piece of business and his only interests are those of his own. Front Line on PBS has a documentary on him and one of his relatives mentioned his “interests”.
    Things will not go well. He pardoned all those sent to prison for their actions on 6 Jan. They tried to kill police officers, they rampaged through the building and chanted, “hang Mike Pence”. Now some of the maga crowd would like to give them a tour of the building. O.K. that ought to turn out well.
    Some of his executive orders are just plan crazy. Schools will no longer be exempt from ICE raids, yes schools with little kids. Its most likely meant to scare parents who aren’t documented. What could possibly go wrong there. People with automatic weapons and a bunch of children, from 5 to 12. What could possibly go wrong. I’m waiting to see what will be said after a raid which kills children. Raiding churches, now that is going to look good. Wonder what all those good “christians” are going to say? Well we know we’ve seen that before. Didn’t one of the Popes sign a deal with the Nazi’s or some such thing.
    Musk looked every so nazish with his salute. Some may argue it wasn’t a nazi salute, but if you go and look at the films done of the massive rallies by Leni Raifensthal, you’ll see a lot of the same salutes. Its been awhile but the Nazi movement is alive and well in the U.S.A. Now we can put up our feet and see if trump decides to invade any country. He may simply settle for destroying another country’s economy, who knows.
    Some maybe unhappy Biden issued pardons. My opinion, he did the smart thing. Trump has removed the security details for Bolton and Pompeo, which they were assigned by Biden after death threats were made against them. The Shaman announced upon his prison release he would be going out to purchase guns. I’m sure that is giving great comfort to the now unguarded former Trump cabinet ministers. Oh,, well as they say, you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. In this case it could be you lay down with bullets in you.
    History was always my favorite subject in school and university. Over the centuries people have killed a lot of other people simply to gain something which really wasn’t all that lasting. Of course in more modern times, politicians and such really elevated it to a science.
    The Christmas song, Its starting to look a lot like Christmas keeps going through my head but with other words, “Its starting to look a lot like Hitler…..”
    There is an old black and white movie about a couple of people who want to stage a Broadway play which will loose money. They have one written and its named, “Spring time for Hitler”. They had the writers make it very unacceptable to audiences. Instead though the audiences think its a comedy and Is a huge success. Its very funny, but who thought their would be an opportunity to write another play.
    Things are going to get very ugly in the U.S.A. Trump is out to get even with all those who opposed him. Denmark has already told trump “to go fxxk himself”, what Canada does? who knows. People may come to regret tossing Trudeau and Co. PP and his bunch won’t be up to the task of dealing with trump and maga at the negotiating table.

    (Response: I think Trump will serve a real purpose in teaching history buffs about how Hitler was able to not only get elected, but convince so many normal Germans and German politicians who are not extremist to go along with him. Watch the Republicans and how they abandon old principles, their traditional beliefs, and even the security of their own country just to please the leader! It is amazing and appalling… I get the feeling we are watching a train wreck unfold before our eyes. And frankly, as a history and politics buff, I’m going to kind of enjoy watching it all unfold. I just hope Canada emerges as a winner. H.o)

  8. Gilbert says:

    It’s sad that so many have nothing positive to say about Donald Trump. For me he represents common sense. There are only two sexes, male and female. People should not be fired for refusing to get an experimental injection. Pre-emptive pardons make people look very guilty. DEI programs are a type of communist social engineering that harm society and attempt to define the needs of society and give little priority to merit.

    Are the wealthy too powerful? Well, that’s always been the case. Regarding Elon Musk, I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and not say he made a Nazi salute. To automatically accuse others of misdeeds is unkind.

    (Response: it’s not that people have nothing positive to say… It’s their fear that he is acting like a dictator, signing proclamation that are clearly unconstitutional, and in the case of Canada, threatening actions that would cripple our economy, without taking into the account, the fact that the United States has a population 10 times hours, so how could trade possibly be equal??? of course, it’s all just bluster… Trump’s way of negotiating, but until it all works out, Canadians have no duty to say nice things about the Mad Hatter! H.o)

    • D. M. Johnston says:

      Excuse me, the sexes are actually derived from chromosomes in our DNA and sadly, nature screws up. For whatever reason, some people are actually men trapped in women’s bodies and visa versa; some people are actually born with both sexes – how would you classify them. It’s a science called biology, not common sense. On my part, it is none of my business; sexual orientation should be nobodies business except for the person concerned. That is called good manners, something that lacks in today’s world.

      The covid injections were not experimental (Trump’s injecting bleach musings would have been if people actually did it) and had been thoroughly tested before public use. Like all vaccines, they are not 100% safe but from the studies I have seen, deaths by disease that we take vaccines for are exponentially higher than death due to complications of taking a vaccine.

      I am almost 70 and I know at least 5 acquaintances who did not take the vaccine and are now suffering from Long Covid, 4 years after contracting this loathsome disease. I am vaxed to the max and quite healthy.

      In the USA DEI is needed due to inherent racism, on a scale unheard of in Canada.

      As for Musk, he gave the Nazi salute twice and he is supporting far right fascist politcal parties in the UK, Germany and of course in the USA. Yea, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is an adherent to that funny lil man with the funny mustache.

      Let’s face it, the last 2 years has been like a cheap, cliched spy novel or a cheap B-grade movie, where the billionaire madmen want to take over the world, yet the richest men in the world have kissed Trump’s ring paying fealty to the Mango Musolini to gain power and wealth. I would not be surprised if the “Wee P” did the same.

  9. daniel says:

    I was a little surprised when the king of the world spoke to the World Economic Forum in Davos this morning. I thought I had heard just about everything from him at this point but he managed to lower that bar even more.
    He is motivated by revenge and I wonder if the reason he is so hell bent on focusing those tariffs on Canada is because he believes he did not “win” during the last Nafta negotiations a few years ago. He even mentioned Freeland by name as nasty some time ago, which he often uses when women stand up or disagree with him.
    I am concerned that Canada will screw up our response to the tariffs when they do come. There does not appear to be a consensus in our approach. We now have two premieres who believe we should try to use diplomacy when there used to be only one standout. Diplomacy might work if we were dealing with a normal person but unfortunately that is not the case.
    He is like a shark who smells blood in the water and that is when he will strike. Our media is supplying all the information he needs. Just turn on the television. It’s all there.
    Not increasing our commitment to Nato to 2% a long time ago has certainly not helped our position in the long run.

    (Response: Donald Trump is a classic bully: he believes that he can threaten and intimidate those who oppose his will… Kind of like a modern day King Henry the eighth! The free world has a duty to stand up to him on matters of principle, on matters of human rights, and on matters of protecting their own economies. Trump the Mad Hatter should understand that duties work two ways, and the United States needs exports to support as economy just as much as it needs imports. H.o)

  10. Keith says:

    Going to your point of the overblown culture of celebrity, he has more or less been living off other peoples money since he came down the escalator to the adoring applause of the rent – a – crowd, using that culture he continues to fleece the every day rubes. It’s not so much about trump arguably the smartest man in america, but the people that continue to support him. The billionaires are a different breed, dropping millions his way we shake our heads at the amounts, but to them it’s purely business as money is a tool on par with a can opener. The presidency is open for business and pay to play is the name of the game, two way transactional and mutually beneficial until one or the other is of no further use.

    This situation hopefully should be a wake up call for our politicos at every level to consider the provincial / national interest immediate to long term as trump has shown the way for more like him to follow.

    I agree with tightening up Canada’s custom laws, up to the point of zero allowance for duty free goods entering from the u.s. whatever the length of stay if push comes to shove.

    (Response: I don’t believe the Canadian government should be too drastic and vow to stop Canadians from bringing back anything from the US. That’s no way to win reelection … or an election! Just enforce existing rules! Besides, how would I bring back my pipe tobacco stash each winter… A pouch of tobacco that cost me $12 each in Florida runs for $48 pouch in Vancouver plus sales tax!!! 😁 H.o)

  11. D. M. Johnston says:

    I am appalled at the “so what” attitude of a few posting here.

    Blame Trudeau; blame Canada, blame immigrants, blame Panama, blame Biden, but for god’s sake don’t blame Trump as he is the second coming.

    We have traveled back in time to 1938 and the world is about to see the reply of the great dictators and Trump wants to be in on it.

    The alarm bell’s are ringing, we are approaching “red alert”, but hey it’s not Trump’s fault, it is everyone else.

    And those wearing those rose coloured glasses, giving the Mango Musolini a free pass, don’t bother going to anymore Remembrance days, because those Canadians have died in vain, suckers according to Trump, so you can live your pleasant lifestyles today.

    Folks we are at war, though many Canadians view it as a “phony war”, it’s real and we need to stand up to the tyrant, though from what I read, many would rather turn Quisling and sell the country out.

    Like Churchill, I am a voice in the wilderness.

    (Response: I am not ready yet to see Trump as a repeat of Hitler, but I do find it very disturbing to see how many citizens and politicians are showing the same loyalty that Hitler got from the German people and many politicians, who preferred to look the other way at some of his rantings and early excesses. The idea that releasing brown shirts who assaulted injured policeman and that’s OK is quite appalling! And the idea that the United States will not accept any refugees … even those legitimately fleeing death abd persecution and so many Americans and especially Republicans are okay with that is a disgrace… They should cover up the statue of liberty or maybe even give it back. Ho )

  12. D.B.Henderson says:

    Very entertaining!
    You guys with your Trump Derangement Syndrome are a hoot.

    Response: He’s the Mad Hatter come to life… no matter which definition of MAD you wish to apply! Give him time … most people will come to believe he meets several! 😁 Ho)

    • D. M. Johnston says:

      Ok, so where is thus tap you can turn on in California, so Los Angeles can get water?

      Yes, and where is the poll shows that the majority of Canadian want American health care instead of Canadian healthcare?

      And yes, where is the proof that the 2020 election was rigged?

      I can go on, but you get the picture, 34 count, felonTrump is dangerously deranged.

  13. Art Smith says:

    Hi Harvey, I think some of your corespondents, should worry more about what is happening in our own country, rather than getting deranged by happenings down south.
    Contrary to most people’s understanding, Trudeau has not quit, he said he will quit, when a new leader is chosen for the Liberal party. I would not trust him to keep his word. He seems to have a very shaky acquaintance with the truth. I keep wondering, if someone he does not approve of is chosen for the position, will he say he had better stay, for the good of the country. I don’t think this is beyond possibility.
    It is starting to look as if Carney is already floundering, taking endorsements from some of the most incompetent and some of the weakest former ministers, plus having the puppet-masters of Justin Trudeau fame, Telford and Butts.
    We desperately need an election ASAP. The country is rudderless, thank to our feckless leader and his co-hort Singh.

    (Response: Guaranteed Trudeau will be gone! The real question is which of his policies would also be gone … or retained by his Liberal replacement? As for Trump, he will impose tariffs on Canada, but most will be only temporary … short lived attempts to support the Mad Hatter’s hot air bluster. H.o)

  14. Stu de Baker says:

    Ironically, many “made in America” products, aren’t. Harley being the best example. Some motors are built in the US, otherwise all parts are made elsewhere, mostly Mexico, Brazil, and Taiwan. Plants in WI and PA put the pieces together where the bikes are branded as “assembled in the US.” Will HD parts from Mexico suddenly see a 25% increase?

    Likewise, Brunswick Boats, makers of many brand names believed to be US built but also imported from Mexico.

    Will Musk pay a 25% tariff on Canadian lithium or be forced to beg for more from Chile or Argentina?

    Are we too nice to deal with a bully?
    Will we be saying “sorry” for soft pushback?

    Trips to Blaine and Point Roberts for the sole purpose of buying cheap gas should stop. Your suggestion of CBSA getting tougher on Canadian US shoppers, should be accompanied by being tougher with Americans crossing into Canada. Most illegal handguns in Canada cross the border from the US.

    Canadians will soon start taking it out on American tourists. Australian flags sewn on US backpacks will start showing up this summer.

    We are in for a tumultuous 4 years, with other equally mad men attacking the US from inside and out. The rest of the world should be paying attention.

    (Response: we should not take out our frustrations on Americans who visit Canada: they spend good money that supports a lot of our economy and would tend to see/support Canada as more friends than enemies. But I agree: vacationing south of the border (except for necessary health reasons …whew! 😁) should be avoided .. to send them a message, not to mention the sagging loonie!H.o)

  15. Chuck B says:

    Trump is Trump, All for him. I noticed in the highlights of his inauguration that while he spoke his wife next to him was wearing a hat that basically covered her face. I can see why, she is probably embarrassed of the idiot. The Trump Times has arrived folks, live with it !~

  16. D. M. Johnston says:

    Update 2025-01-21.

    Trump has pardoned 1,500 capitol rioters. This includes attempted murderers and those who would have hanged V.P. Pence. I would say that the rule of law is absolutely dead in the USA.

    I would be very worried, especially if i was not “white” traveling to the USA because it is going to get ugly.

    According to this morning’s news reports, Tariffs will be imposed by Feb.1 on Canada. The trade war has begun and we will soon see how our politcans respond. This is a “karma” moment the Conservatives because many are “Maple MAGA” MLA’s/MP’s and are supporters of Trump. The “Wee P” must be “P” ing his pants with this as the entire Conservative politcal campaign was based on a virulent anti-Trudeau policy. Now the next election will be binary, either you support Canada and be a Churchill or support Trump and be a Quisling.

    The old adage “a week is a long time in politics” has come true for the “Blue”.

    Still no major backlash with Musk’s now twice :”Heil Hitler” salute. I guess our oligarch owned media is giving it a pass.

    And here is a teaser, due to the bellicose Russia and the unstable Putin, Sweden has hinted it will go nuclear.

    Sadly, it will only get worse, eh, Ms. Smith; eh Mr. Rustad?

    (Response: Worse than Trump, I saw Musk give the fascist salute … twice! Scary! H.o)

  17. Eldon says:

    What is baffling to me is how many Canadians celebrate him. Do they not know we are his enemy?

    (Response: Many non-German Europeans celebrated Hitler too … in the beginning! H.o)

  18. Gilbert says:

    According to Forbes, Donald Trump is a billionaire. Now that he is president again, I expect his financial empire will continue to grow.

    There are no tariffs for now. When Pierre Poilievre becomes prime minister, the relationship with the USA will improve.

    I don’t agree with everything he says or does, but let’s state the obvious. Few presidents have the courage to challenge China, the pharmaceutical industry and the political establishment. He does. It’s no wonder he was nearly assassinated.

    Joe Biden was a horrible president. Pre-emptive pardons for Liz Cheney, Anthony Fauci and members of Joe Biden’s family tell me all I need to know. It’s unfortunate that so many people are so blinded by their political ideologies that they fail to see reality.

    (Response: I agree .. things will go easier once Poilievre takes over: I just hope he doesn’t give up too much to achieve that! H.o)

  19. D. M. Johnston says:

    Just an update. Can it get any worse?

    Trump literally declared war on Panama over the canal which by earlier treaty was returned to Panama. This from the “no war” president.

    Then Musk gave a Nazi salute at another inauguration event; we now see the true colours of the oligarchs.

    On the home front, Rustand and his “Maple MAGA’s” want appeasing of the Trump regime and now have joined the Canadian Quisling club. I think Rustad should brush up on his 20th century history and see how “Peace in our time” went.

    And for cherry on top, Trump has been openly musing no more elections.

    And this, not 12 hours into the second Trump term.

    The Liberals, like or not, are looking better and better every minute, especially that Trudeau the Younger is soon to be gone.

  20. Rainclouds says:

    The Hat. Indoors, the annual $70k budget for the swirl takes care of the fact he is bald.

    Outdoors?, The Hat was to hide his follicly challenged pate when the wind kicked up while bloviating his rambling stream of non-sensical nonsense. The corny slogan was just icing on the cake. He has probably fleeced millions from his adoring followers.

    Now its $TRUMP Crypto. The grifts NEVER stop with the 6x bankrupt, bone spur, convicted felon. Its all about Trump enrichment, not the uneducated he “loves”.

    (Response: There is an old Chinese curse… May you live in interesting times! Looks like we’re in for interesting times. H.o)

  21. D. M. Johnston says:

    Yes, Trump is mad as a hatter, but he is also a grifter supreme.

    I listen to mat Trump’s blog, his niece who he and his sister stole their inheritance from, as she is a physiologist has diagnosed the Mango Mussolini as a “Malignant Narcissist”

    What Trump does, is done to benefit Trump and no one else and for those MAGA supporters who kow-tow to his every utterance are seen as easy marks. Trumps has taken to heart, P.T. Barnum’s quote: “There is a sucker born every minute” and those suckers elected him president.

    Trump, like the vast majority of Americans, hasn’t a clue about Canada, or for business for that manor (he managed to bankrupt 3 casinos) and this 34 count felon president is hell bent in making money.

    The tariff issue in my book is an attempt to beggar the economy so his Oligarch friends, Bezos, Musk and the rest can further enrich themselves by buying stocks at a far cheaper price in both countries.

    Trump is also an authoritarian and we will soon see if the much vaunted US Constitution is nothing more than a “scrap of paper”. If he tries to break up NATO, the USA may find themselves friendless in the Norther hemisphere as NATO will survive, with the remaining countries, including Canada, militarize, with a few more going nuclear.

    One of the unintended consequences of Trump and his utterances about Canada being a 51st state is that the “beaver” has woken up from its stupor and is doing something rarely seen, championing the country.

    Canada’s politcans have a a binary decision; either you are a Churchill or a Quisling and as the premier of Alberta has found out to her great displeasure, Canada wants Churchill’s and they want Quislings out of the picture. Ontario’s Ford found this out fast, Alberta’s Smith, a bit slow on the uptake.

    I think the biggest loser in all this is the “Wee P” as the Conservatives are still airing anti-Trudeau ads, yet Trudeau the Younger is stepping down and with a party filled with a “Maple MAGA” collection of anti-science, anti-vaxers, racists, religious nutters, Trumpian grifters and more, the Canadian voter may also make a binary decision and vote for the “Churchill’s”.

    With Trump, Canada is going to face “interesting times”, where crossing the boarder for not so cheap gas may be tied to how patriotic you are. The Canadian public will face at least 4 years of a declining US Empire, corrupt courts and equally corrupt American politcans and just may demand better of our own lot.

    Oh yes, the CBC may find a new home for itself being Canada’s top cheerleader after the Qusiling’s currently employed will find themselves with pink slips.

    Time will tell.

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