As Christmas and Chanukah Approach, Judeo-Christian Values Are Under Increasing Attack by Jihadists

Al-Qaida linked Jihadists have taken over Syria; in Afghanistan, the Taliban have imposed strict Islamic restrictions on women … now forbidden treatment in hospitals or to even have their voices heard in public; while in Canada, the UK and Europe, Jihadists have stepped up their attacks on not just Jews and Jewish community centers and synagogues, but Christians as well.

In Germany last week, an Islamic “refugee” was arrested and charged with planning an ISIS-supporting attack on a Christmas market. (Read the details here:

Three weeks ago, four Christians were massacred by Islamists in Nigeria ( ), just the latest in a slew of Jihadist violence aimed at Christians in Muslim countries.

And in Canada, anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish Canadians by Jihadist Muslims, their anti-Israel friends/supporters on college campuses, in politics and even government have become so frequent (with almost no consequences) that in several communities, Jews are living with fear they had not experienced since the dark days of the Second World War.

Weeks ago, I noted that, thanks to the Trudeau government’s immigration/refugee policies, the number of Muslims in Canada now topped 1.7 million, compared to about 490,000 Jews …and I speculated that the increasngly desperate Trudeau/Liberals would sacrifice their traditonally solid Jewish votes for more Muslim ones.

Hasn’t anyone noticed how the Trudeau Liberal government has offered lip service but done very little in the face of Islamc and even terrorist–supporting violence in Canada and now votes regularly to support one-sided anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations?

Coincidence? I don’t believe so! And nor do many others…

This is scary and should be sickeniug to all decent Canadians:

What I believe is happening is that Western democracies … Canada, the UK and some European nations … are now paying the price for years of warm and generous welcoming of millions of Islamic refugees and immigrants from the Middle East (Palestinians, Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians) and even from Africa.

At some point, the compromised, activist media (especially Al Jazeera, the BBC and the CBC) will have to answer for pushing the Western democracies (never other Islamc countries) to take more and more Muslim immigrants/refugees … thereby impacting …even compromising … the ethnic, religious, cultural values of several Western nations.

Political jihadism is now a reality … and Western democracies MUST confront it!

Just take a look at those socieities where the media targeted day after day with heart-jerking propaganda urging Western countries to take in …without ANY limit … Islamic refugee/illegal immigrants without EVER raising questions about why Muslim states were not.

The good news is that most have appreciated that welcome mat and tried/succeeded in settling into their new homes/society and have contributed to our society.

But sadly, too many …far too many … brought their traditional cultural, religious and violence-prone hatreds with them ..and now are increasingly acting them out … openly and with increasibng success.

That should sound the alarm for all of us!

Because what they are promoting are not just anti-Israel or anti-Jewish ideas, beliefs, demand and actions …but anti-Canadian, anti-democratic, anti-Judeo/Christian values as well.

Our Western democratic principles, values and way of life is now clearly under threat.

Hasn’t anyone noticed how, at the United Nations (and all its associated agencies and bodies) the 57 Islamic nations have compromised, by pursuing a Jihadist agenda, the integrity and thus effectiveness of the world body?

Just look at the DOZENS of anti-Israel resolutions and condemnations passed and handed down … even criminal charges against its leader(s) …. while totally ignoring the Muslim dictatorships and murderous regimes and leaders (Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan) who have tortured, killed, even gassed their own populations.

Why not a single ICC arrest warrant against a single LIVING Islamic terrorist leader of Hamas, Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah? Why hasn’t there been outrage that the ICC has never issued an arrest warrant for Bashar Al-Assad, whose regime was responsible for the deaths (torture, murder, bombing gassing) of more than 100,000 Syrians?

Jihadists clearly have the UN in their grip!

And as we approach this Christmas/Chanukah we in Canada and other Western nations must start looking to leaders willing to stand up for those traditional values and principles that attracted so many immigrants and refugees in the first place …

And not allow the Jihadists … or their allies on campuses and in politics/government … to continue to eat away and destroy our society … all under the guise of giving in to “tolerance” and “accomodation”… until they succeed, and then take it ALL away!

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and a Happy and FREE New Year … for ALL those who still cherish and stand up against the Jihadists and for the Judeo-Christian beliefs and standards that built our great society.

Harv Oberfeld

(Follow @harveyoberfeld on “X” for FREE First Alerts to new postings on this blog.)

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14 Responses to As Christmas and Chanukah Approach, Judeo-Christian Values Are Under Increasing Attack by Jihadists

  1. Ijustdontknowanymore says:

    I feel this may sound a bit simple but from what I glean from the excellent comments here and from the majority of society is that Canadians including myself of course, are completely fed up with the government leaderships lack of guts. It’s basically a demand and not a polite request that the politicians must pay service to Canadians and our values which is their first duty and role that we pay them for. It’s sounds to me that Canadians are transitioning to more solid demands that these obligations are to be met. I concur. The pissed off factor is ramping up by Canadians and I think that should be taken quite seriously. The weak woke media and the lost fools of Trudeaus dense clan are on notice.

    (Response: Back in June, I wrote a blog about how people are fed up with politicians …left and right … who lack principles and have abandoned the middle class, not just in Canada, but in the US, UK, Europe ( That has turned out to be so true, again and again. The majority are “pissed off” as you put it with not only politicians, but the media as well, too many of whom have become more propogandists (often disgracefully pushing their own political, racial, religious or ethnic biases) than truth tellers. It saddens me, both to see journalism debased so much, and real evil …terrorists, bigots and anti-democratic forces … treated as if THEY are the oppressed! Disgusting …and dangerous. h.o.)

  2. Elliotwem says:

    “Our leader forever” was a slogan one often saw in Syria during the era of President Hafez al-Assad, father of today’s Syrian president.
    The prospect that the dour, stern Syrian leader would live forever was a source of dark humor for many of my Syrian friends when I lived and worked in Aleppo in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

    Hafez al-Assad died in June 2000. He wasn’t immortal after all.
    His regime, however, lives on under the leadership of his son Bashar al-Assad.

    There were moments when the Bashar regime’s survival looked in doubt. When the so-called Arab Spring rolled across the region in 2011, toppling autocrats in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, and mass protests broke out in Yemen, Bahrain and Syria, some began to write epitaphs for the Assad dynasty.

    But Syria’s allies – Iran, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Russia – came to the rescue. For the past few years the struggle in Syria between a corrupt, brutal regime in Damascus and a divided, often extreme opposition seemed frozen in place.

    Once shunned by his fellow Arab autocrats, Bashar al-Assad was gradually regaining the dubious respectability Arab regimes afford one another.

    (Response: Time will tell whether the replacement of Bashar al-Assad ends up being a good thing or a bad thing for Syria… Depending on who takes power. Hard to believe anything could be worse than he was! And I believe once the dust has literally settled, the world will owe a vote of thanks to Israel for basically wiping out Hezbollsh and weakening Iran as a military threat to the point that they could no longer support and keep Assad in power. H.o.)

  3. Gilbert says:

    Judeo-Christian values are based on God and the Bible. They are reflected in the ten commandments. Two of the commandments tell us not to steal and not to lie. Morals are the foundation of a peaceful and fair society. Other Judeo-Christian values are racial equality, the sanctity of life and love for one’s neighbour. They were explained very well by George Orwell.

  4. Chuck B says:

    Immigration …. the immigrants get everything from the government … my wife is from England and immigrated here in the 1970′ s …. I asked her how much help did you get from the government when you came … here answer : None … not a penny she says …
    So why are we paying them now … As for Muslims, haven’t they taken over a city in England …havee their own police force etc …
    We will pay for what we are doing unless all of us stand up and get after the lousy media and politicans…….I have tried over the past couple of years, have yet to receive a reply ….Sad …

    (Response: I think we have to be very careful to differentiate between Muslim refugees and immigrants who tried very hard to fit into the new Canadian family, and those who are radical jihadist hate mongers who are now exercising a lot more attention and power than they deserve. In fact, I don’t blame the jihadists themselves as much as I blame the politicians, the media and the university crowd (including professors and administrators), who pander to them and support their hate, filled activities and anti-Canadian values. H.o)

  5. D. M. Johnston says:

    From my vantage point, the real danger is fundamentalist/evangelical religion, which the Jihadists fall into. This also includes Christian religions, sects and cults who repurpose, misread, invent their brand of religion to reflect largely medieval way of life.

    Oh, they will use 21st century weapons to force 8th century values on people and it is their way or no way.

    Then there is the televangelists who have replaced “god” with the dollar.

    Government is afraid to deal with religion and hide behind the “freedom of religion” invention and pander to religious bodies. A good example is the Federal governments fear of confronting the Catholic Church in the Residential School scandal that has been mismanaged from the start.

    Originally, freedom of religion was originally meant to be freedom of Catholics, protestants and Jewish religion to practice their faith, but now includes all sorts of cults and more.

    The failure of our politcans to actually confront religion and deal with it, as they should, instead they ignore and pander to various religious sects, playing one against the other.

    It is the 21st centruy and we are supposed to be in the era of science, certainly James Webb has shown us that we must relearn, what was thought learned about our existence, but religion is reverting back to the dark ages.

    Yet government happily panders to fringe religious fanatics and good old classic anti-antisemitism for fear of being seen as intolerant.

    Time to rein in religion and make it conform to Canadian standards as European countries are now doing, such as Switzerland. Trudeau’s ‘Post national” Canada is a juvenile dream, which is destroying the country from within, as is Trudeau and the Liberals pandering to the antisemitism cults and a host of other archaic religious factions.

    A quick note on the Canadian media. What Canadian media? Most of our news is now censored by hedge fund conglomerates in the USA and has been reduced to entertainment purposes only.

    (Response: there certainly is a difference between religious faith and religious extremism. And I would agree that a lot of the problems in the world these days seem to revolve against around religious extremism in many faiths. No wonder among educated classes that religion as an organized activity is losing its popularity… Although sometimes, believe in a greater being or force remains firm. Extreme religion seems to contain within it… No matter what the fact… The belief of superiority… And in the world of politics and conflict that never ends up well. H.o)

  6. e.a.f. says:

    a lot of the anti Jewish activities start small and build from there. When its small not many object because they too agree. Anti Jewish attitudes have always been in North America and Europe. Its just gotten worse because it has been permitted to flourish. When marchers in Charlottesville were carrying their torches and chanting, “Jews will not replace us”, the American Pres. said, “there were very fine people on both sides”. That was all people needed to hear. Many people felt they had been given “permission” to become bolder in their hate once it became more mainstream
    In Canada and the U.S.A. racism has continued to grow. Its been directed at people of colour and Indigenous peoples, and society just lets it go by. When Muslim extremists go out and speak, they speak against Jews and many go hurrah. I recall when some of these groups came to Canada to speak to Unions and churches, one being the United Church. Ah, the poor Muslims, the poor Palestinians, etc. Its all the Jews fault, you should boycott Israeli goods. They bought the b.s. hook line and sinker.
    In Europe Muslims/Arabs arrived and in some countries they were welcomed and even taught in Arabic. How does that integrate them into European society. Its one thing to continue to follow your beliefs and religion in your new country, but don’t try to force it on any one living in that country.

    Other Muslim countries simply did not want refugees. It would change the nature of their country. they also did not want people who were not conversant with the practises of their country. Even back in the day, when Palestinians were in tent cities, I wondered why no Arab country would take them or even financially provide assistance.

    We moved from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays? Why? Well no one wanted to offend anyone. Well it was my Christmas and I have a right to celebrate it, just as others have the right to celebrate their days. I first noticed the change in Christmas cards in the early 70s.

    Don’t expect the Press, etc. to take a position because they are in the business to make money and they don’t give a rats ass about anything else.

    Some of the countries which are extremist simply are also very backward, i.e. aghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, egypt, Saudi Arabia, Women have no rights in those countries. When they arrive in Western countries they don’t change and there is nothing in our schools which make a point of dealing with these issues. When people take their Canadian citizenship test, do they ask about any of this? Not so much. They create their countries within their own communities and take on the hates and views of their former country. If you’re going to live in Canada and take out citizenship then you ought to get with the agenda. Is that going to happen? Not so much. As was pointed out Canada at the U.N. is like, “what the fxxk is going on:”. Its like a repeat of attitude which prevailed when the Canadian government would not accept Jewish refugees when they arrived by ship; they returned to Europe and most went to the concentration camps. Don’t know what goes on in Joly’s head, but it can’t be much
    The carry on these days about Israel just makes me laugh. Most forget it was Palestinians who invaded Israel and Israel is simply doing what they do, fight back. Benni might be going too far with some of it, but he also wants to ensure no one tries it again. When they invaded Israel it wasn’t just to kill those in one area, it was every Jew they could get their hands on and with that, nothing has changed over the centuries.
    The Taliban decrees regarding women in Afganistan is not found in the Koran. It the interpretation of a bunch of stupid men who are afraid of women. Those men are so stupid, they haven’t figured out if medical treatment is not provided to women they might wind up with very few of them. The recent orders that women may no longer speak to other women, simply is an e.g. of how afraid these ignorant men are of women. They have also decreed midwives may no longer be trained nor may they provide care to women. How to kill women in a few easy steps. we aren’t exactly seeing marches against that nor speeches at the U.N.. there is nothing in the Koran which dictates that. its just a bunch of old dirty men who are illiterate who make up these rules to feel they are some how empowered.
    anyhow I see little in the way of change coming. In many case the changes which are made are not done at the request of the Muslims, its frequently some one who wants them to feel “welcome” and included.
    Do not expect it to get better any time soon. With the incoming nut bars south of the border, expect there to be an increase in racism there and it will flow north.
    There is nothing wrong with the Muslim faith. Its the extremists who interpret things who are the problem, just as we saw in Ireland when the Protestants and Catholics were having a go at it–It wasn’t in any Bible telling people to go out and bomb buildings or kill others, Modi is making things very difficult for non Hindu citizens in India. Its not what the religion requires. Its what Modi wants.

    (Response: The hypocrisy that surrounds us is becoming worse almost every day. Hasn’t anybody noticed that Saudi Arabia was awarded the FIFA games in 2034 without any resistance or competition??? This is a country that regularly tortures, heads its opponents and anyone who falls victim to their repressive regime, and still does not treat women or gays like true equal human beings. They get rewarded! And not a peep from the news media in Canada, the UK, Europe, or any of the university campuses and the professors who supposedly always believe in human rights… Apparently, unless the atrocities are committed by Islamic forces. H.o)

  7. Chuck B says:

    Everyone on this blog has it right. Hasn’t the Lords Prayer been taken out of our schools because of some Muslims, as they did not want it … correct me if I am wrong …but we are losing it and the bloody politicians don’t care. They want votes no matter how they get them.
    Speak up Canadians .. it is our country …led by an idiot …!

    (Response: it is not just our country: it is the entire western world which threw out the welcome mat to Islamic refugees… Pushed by the media to keep taking more and more and more… Without anyone paying attention to who is coming in. Most have become good immigrants, but it is clear in Toronto, in Vancouver, in Montreal, in the UK, and in Europe, there are quite a few…thousands in fact… who would deny other people, their rights, their liberties, their religion, and do not respect our diversity. Unfortunately, they are aided and abetted by our far left compromised media… Who are so partisan and one sided, they disgrace not only our previously cherished principles but even journalism. H.o)

  8. Not Sure says:

    Fascinating topic and fascinating use of words.

    Whatever do you mean by Judeo-Christian values? It is like the word “woke” just a term that is thrown out there without any clear definition. So we end up arguing/venting without specifics. And without specifics how to do we get to solutions.

    The Bible, both Old and New Testament, has been used to justify slavery and discrimination against homosexuality, so I guess we have evolved from some Judeo-Christian values.

    So, is there a specific Judeo Christian value that is most under attack. Or are we really talking about our democratic society and how broken it sometimes feels. Is fixing our immigration policy the solution? How do we do that when you say (I am loosely paraphrasing) Immigration is good but some bad people are coming in.

    I am at a loss. I know people are angry. Sometimes I am angry. But I don’t know if we are all angry about the same thing because our values differ.

    (Response: I believe anyone who has studied comparative religious philosophies could give you a better explanation about the difference between Islamic and Judeo Christian values. All of them, of course, have a troubled ancient history, but only radical Islam today still holds/promotes and whenever they can actually practices the belief that if an infidel does not convert to Islam, it’s quite all right to slay them! Or that once you convert, you can never abandon the faith,on penalty of death. And this is not some thing from the history books or even the comic books: it is written into the actual beliefs of Islamic Jihad, Hesbollah, and the Taliban! And it’s about time our governments start standing up for the tolerance our society has built over the centuries and start acting legally (not just lip service) against the religious extremists who would deny us rights and freedoms … especially for religious or sexual minorities. Why else do you think Jewish citizens… who have never stepped foot in Israel .. are being singled out and attacked by Islamic Jihadists and their radical left allies? Even when the West faced aircraft hijackings, bombings and even 911 … we could be proud, thanks to our values, that there were very very few cases of Muslims being singled out, attacked or their businesses and mosques trashed. Yet today, we often hear Jihadists, so-called human rights spokespersons, media and university “intellectuals” dare to defend attacks on Jews or their institutions. Disgraceful! And it’s time to stop it … before that becomes the norm. H.o)

  9. D. M. Johnston says:

    We must get a grip on religion and religious freedoms, something the Canada has not done. We are supposed to be a secular state, but we are slowly becoming a state where some religions have more influence than others. The law should be blind to religion, which today, is not.

    We also must get a grip on religious schools, which are fast becoming hot beds of designed ignorance.

    Canada is fast losing its identity as Trudeau’s daft “Post National Country” is slowly ripping apart the fabric of the nation.

    The Liberals have distorted Canadian history and flooding the country with immigrants to further weaken Canada, to suit their electoral goals. What was Canada is no longer.

    I do not see the “Wee P.” being any different as once elected, the Conservatives will pander to ethnic groups to win votes; it has been ever thus.

    We are living in dangerous times and our politcans, with willful neglect are doing nothing except flooding the airwaves with pre election tripe. The real issues are being ignored and will continue to be ignored until some dreadful event happens , where the public rise up and demand action. Sadly many people may die before this happens as our present politcans vie for 10 second sound bites on the evening news.

    (Response: We need leaders in government and the media ready, willing and able to stand up for our Western values … not just in words but with actions… even if it means putting in their place activist, agitating ethnic minorities. But that doesn’t happen. Why? Because Canada,the UK and Europe now have so many Muslims gaining the power to vote, politicians are afraid of them. Look at Trudeau/Liberals: I am absolutely convinced … and have written so in this blog… that he/they have made a conscious decision to turn their backs of Canadas 490,000 Jewish citizens, to pursue votes from Canadas 1.7 million Muslims! And that’s why Canada has recently voted in favour of terrible one-sided resolutions at the UN … something we have never ever done before! Disgraceful!!! H.o)

    • RIsaak says:

      @ D M Johnston

      The use of monikers such as Wee P only causes rational folks who may agree with the majority of your views, to disengage. Name calling is so juvenile.

      Your points are mostly spot on, the choice to name call does cheapen your comments, act adult and obtain much more respect.

  10. I’ve been suggesting the same message about the threat from Muslims on Western Civilization for a long time, only to be accused of not understanding the ” big picture “.
    It’s common knowledge that Muslims and others from Middle Eastern countries despise Western Civilization, yet they all want to come here. Why ?
    The first and probably only reason is well known, social services. Free health care, free lodging etc. And don’t argue that ” free ” is not the case when municipalities are crying for funds to handle mass immigration that has flooded our country with immigrants living on sidewalks awaiting a hotel room and a meal, while pushing white and indigenous Canadians further into homelessness.
    They come to Canada and send their money home, not supporting Canadian business / economy, using the health care system, education system, welfare system,…. Then they retire in home country. There are immigrants who arrive and demand that Canada cater to them. That Canadians are racist, ……. Canada has these radical left politicians who give these immigrants what they want at the expense of Canadian born people. The Liberals have run Canada into the ground, transforming this nation into something almost unrecognizable.
    The Federal Liberal/NDP government long ago sold out Canada, shuttering factories in the homeland and gutting Canadian jobs, while using the profits to push diversity, equity, and inclusion and the religion of the trans flag.
    To those people who welcome immigrants, a question. What is your end point? Do they become Canadian in all but skin colour (complete integration), or do they coalesce into groups within their own culture (protected from criticism by legislation)?
    Unity or diversity; which one leads to a more stable country and better life for its citizens?
    Like all other sectors, the structure will be thrashed to pieces until an inversion occurs. Based on the “colour and quota” theory espoused by the Liberals, white Canadians will eventually transition to a bona-fide minority community. And not only a minority– but even more tantalizing for the woke brigade– a persecuted minority.
    Canadians need to wake up and start fighting for the Canada we once loved and where proud of.
    Stop listening to the likes of Justin Trudeau and his partner Jagmeet Singh ( especially Singh ) who keep calling us ” racist ” because we are ” colonialist “. This is Canada, a country founded on Judeo-Christian values, a democracy with laws being developed in conjunction with those values, with the aim of treating each citizen equally. Every Canadian citizen, regardless of their religion, should be subject to the same laws. Immigrants should know that they will have to accept and adapt to our laws and values.
    Question: if people whose families have been here for generations are called “settlers,” and considered the worst of the worst, why are people who came here five minutes ago, intending to destroy the nation considered the best of the best?
    We should also be concerned on the growing amount of immigrants in the House of Commons who hold dual and even triple citizenship, with issues from foreign nations transition to Canada’s problems. Not only that- and equally as influential– is an accumulation of ethnic community political power on Canadian soil. About a million weaponized migrants a year from the most primitive, brutal societies in the world, and you think there might still be a Canada in 25 years?
    From a recent media report: ” PM Trudeau and the Liberals are more than forgiving toward terrorist activity on Canadian soil:
    “The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship … because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.” Who exactly is Trudeau out to please? The governments of Syria, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan certainly qualify. ”
    Mass immigration from the Middle East must END. We need to balance immigration from various countries that can benefit Canadians in areas such as Health Care.
    I’m tired of reading about immigrants who drive 18 wheelers across the border filled with massive amounts of cocaine, or a family of 3 immigrants who stole over 20 million of CERB money, or the tent party in Surrey with party goers brandishing machine guns while children played or the constant accusations of racism as the first tool of defence after committing another crime.
    Richard Brunt of Victoria wrote:
    ” No nation on earth beats itself up like Canada does. As promoted by government, media and academia– as opposed to actual Canadian citizens.
    Colonization mostly ended the brutal and murderous raids by the Haida on other Indigenous groups. Slavery by the Haida was stopped.
    Fast forward 150 years. We have become one of the best places on Earth for Indigenous rights, women’s rights, trans rights, gay rights, environmental protection, animal rights, justice, equality, opportunity and freedom.
    All of this, it could be argued, is a direct result of colonization. ”

    Be a proud Canadian and don’t be ashamed about the past. And yes you have the right to express yourself and NO, it’s not racism if you don’t accept mass immigration.

    (Response: Canada needs immigrants and I don’t mind if they come from Muslim countries at all… As long as they adapt to and become part of Canadian society. The problem lies with those who come here and then actively work to try to change us into the hate filled, violent places they came from. And then we have the woke media who are so radical and compromised in their integrity, that they say absolutely nothing to criticize those who are trying to destroy our society, and give them a free pass on everything they say and do… even violence.
    Just imagine how the politicians and the media would react if demonstrators ever attacked black, Muslim or First Nations people, businesses, community centres or places of worship the way the Jihadists have terrorised Jewish citizens in Canada, the UK and Europe!!! I’d bet the media … especially the CBC … would be covering that story day and night. And unlike their sympathetic treatment of the anti-Semitic Jihadists, they would never grant those attacking mosques, black community centres or First Nations band offices free air time to explain the historic “context” for their support of violence! H.o.)

    • Speaking of ” violence “, It’s easy for Muslim groups to repeat claims such as
      ” There is no place for violence ” when that is untrue. The Muslim population has repeatedly proven that it works great for them.

      (Response: it is amazing how so many Islamic leaders and countries, with a proven record of torture, murder, and suppression of their people keep getting a free pass from not only the United Nations and all its agencies, but even other governments around the world. This has to stop: we have to start calling out Islamic Jihad murderers, and those who oppress their own people and murder their opponents at will. Our news, media and University administrators and professors won’t do it… So people and their elected representatives must start doing it! H.o)

  11. Marge says:

    I think the basic problem is that the media regards anything Judeo- Christian as being at worst evil and at most out of date. You can’t be woke these days if you aren’t pro-Palestinian and anti-Jewish! Why would they positively beam every time they get to dismiss or attack those values. It’s much easier to be on the side of the woke and on the far left than actually think for themselves.
    You also have to only watch the recent events in Syria to hear CBC proclaim that the rebels will be democratic. It is almost sickening when you know the truth. The leader of the biggest group was a member of Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. How democratic do we really think he is going to be? He will institute Sharia law and nobody will say a word against it. As an aside, I just read today that women in Afghanistan are not allowed to go to hospitals…. Where is CBC on this? I have never seen it mentioned at all.

    I once worked with a family who had come here from Iraq. The mom had been a teacher there and she was told by the principal that because she was Christian, he wouldn’t defend her if somebody wanted to come to the school and shoot her. Her daughter’s bus was fired on by evil men and the family was told that they would have their son shot just because they were Christian. They ran to Syria where things were not much better for them. When they had been given the okay to come to Canada, the airport had been bombed and they had been put on a bus to Jordan. In the middle of the dessert, the bus stopped and they thought they were all going to be shot. Thankfully it was just a problem with the bus. Can you imagine how grateful this family was to come to Canada and get a second chance? Can you guess how they feel about what is going on in our country, with all the crazies calling for the killing of people because of their ethnicity???

    Even our politicians show that they don’t follow Judeo-Christian values whatsoever. Remember Kamal Harris the Vice President of the US, who couldn’t be bother to attend a speech by Netanyahu because it didn’t represent “her” values or her supporters’ values, choose one! And then let’s look at politician values. How many times have the Liberals been caught with ethics violations? In the good old days, those politicians would have resigned their seats if they committed a transgression. Even the newest candidate for the Liberal party in the Cloverdale riding, misrepresented her Metis status. Is she resigning and are they seeking a new candidate to replace her? Not a chance. If our politicians don’t value the Judeo-Christian lifestyle and show it constantly to the public, why wouldn’t the public start veering away from those values? Didn’t we just have Ms. Chow the mayor of Toronto not attend the vigil for the October massacre? However, she could attend the Gay Parade, dressed in less than mayoral splendor! What is she really saying to Torontonians – if it’s fun I will be there, but if it’s anything to do with Jews, forget it as they won’t vote for me anyhow.

    Then there is the lack of saying what is right and what is wrong! We can all still tell the difference, but how many times have you seen political figures not come to such a decision until it’s staring them in the face and they have no choice but to say something…. Especially Melanie Joy and Trudeau with their strange behavior about the Middle East Crisis.

    I think Canada has also lost a good deal of its Judeo-Christian values, also due to the allowing of heavy immigration from the Middle East. Many of these people bring with them their hatred of the Jews and any attempt to change them will never take place. Allowing them to demonstrate over and over and over in Canada and call for the killing of Jews just fuels their fire and shows us that “their” values matter more than ours. Would this have been allowed in the fifties or sixties or even the seventies? I think not. I fear that Third World mentality is taking over Canada and it will be only a matter of time before it gets worse for all of us.

    I am just reading the book “Son of Hamas”. Have you read it and what is your take on it? I am finding it quite fascinating to say the least.

    (Response: The overthrow of Bashar al Assad in Syria has highlighted the utter hypocrisy of the “working” Western media. Assad has authorized and been responsible for not only the torture, murder of thousands of protesters and political opponents,but has bombed and even gassed more than 100,000 civilians. He makes Netanyahu look like a Boy Scout… yet, where have the media been, where have the student protesters been, where have the university intellectuals been … and, yes, where has the UN International Court been ?????? Disgraceful how Muslim murderers get a free pass … in fact, many free passes, for wholesale slaughters,not just in Syria, but Sudan, Somalia, Iran, Afghanistan and a host of other Islamic nations.Its time for REAL leaders and REAL journalists to stand up and call out the Jihadist promoters trying to take down our Western democracies and principles. h.o)

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