Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and a Happy and Peaceful New Year!

The Blog is taking a holiday break … back Jan 6.

Wishing all my readers a wonderful holiday season … with appreciation for everyone’s participation in this wonderful, stimulating exercise of democracy!


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3 Responses to Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and a Happy and Peaceful New Year!

  1. Ijustdontknowanymore says:

    Merry Christmas to all.

  2. D. M. Johnston says:

    Enjoy! The fun is just beginning!

  3. Marge says:

    Happy Holidays! Surely not one last column about Freeland’s resignation??? Please!!

    (Response: Sorry, travelling today. However, I suspect there will be LOTS of opportunity to talk Freeland, Trudeau et al after Jan 6! Merry Christmas. h.o)

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