How Dumb Can Our “LEADERS” Be!

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should have known better: he was raised in front of the cameras and surely must have noticed they have microphones as well as lenses.


But there he was … in full world view … making fun of US President Donald Trump before other world leaders.


The Donald was not amused … called Trudeau “two-faced” … and Canada will no doubt pay a price at the President’s time and choosing.

This, of course, is not the first time Trudeau has shown his dumb side.

Remember how he accepted free lodging and hospitality on the private Caribbean island belonging to the Aga Kahn?


And who could forget his handling of the SNC Lavelin/Jody Wilson debacle!

Double dumb!

And then, there’s Andrew Scheer.

Scheer has finally announced his intention  to step down … after it was revealed he accepted Conservative Party funds to send his kids to private schools.

Dumb!And that wasn’t his first dumb move either.

Remember how critical he was of others in public life holding dual citizenships when he himself held dual Canada/American citizenship?


Why do they act that way.

Do they think we’re even dumber than they are?  Like, no one will know? Or we won’t care?

Well, we do notice ..and most of us care.

And it’s about time our “LEADERS” do too.

Harv Oberfeld

(Reminder: To get free alerts to all new postings on this blog, follow me @harveyoberfeld on Twitter.)


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